Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Hello and Happy Saturday! I have so much to share this week and so glad you are here today. As you know, Saturday Meanderings is an opportunity to look at the week and hopefully all good things. I just returned from 6 days in Chicago moving my son and his girlfriend into their new apartment….

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Where did the week go? My husband is up at our cabin and it’s just been the dogs, cat and myself here. Lots of stormy, swampy weather made me want to just curl up and read a book. But, noooooo. Instead I am doing all the piddly chores that need to get done, but without…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy sweltering Saturday! Typically we travel a lot over the summer, but there have been a few surprises with us staying closer to home this year. Normally, I stop thinking about the garden in June and let it go fallow. But this year it is still producing. Any day now I will be picking watermelon…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

It’s hard to believe it is the middle of May. The temperatures are suppose to start rising here this weekend, but hopefully we will be on our way up to our mountain home. We haven’t been there in months so I am hoping the squirrels and mice have not moved in. It’s time for another…

10 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Overnight Guests
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10 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Overnight Guests

We love when guests come to visit! After a long journey, I know I want to unpack and settle into a lovely environment. Since we have had many guests recently, here are 10 ways to prepare your home for overnight guests. 1. A Comfortable Bed Perhaps the thing I miss most when I travel is…