Hand Care 101: Tips for Strong, Healthy and Beautiful Hands
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Hand Care 101: Tips for Strong, Healthy and Beautiful Hands

Our hands are essential to what we do every day. They are the most valuable tool you have whether you are at work, home or play. There is nothing close to replacing your hands usefulness and adaptability. We use our hands for everything~from holding a baby, wiping tears, eating and drinking, and countless other ways….

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy 2nd Saturday in January. I am almost finished removing the holiday decorations and am actually enjoying the process more this year. Only the living room is left and then I am off to deep cleaning, sorting and organizing, with joy. Thanks for joining me today for another Saturday Meanderings post where we chat about…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

It is the Saturday before Christmas and only one more Saturday after this in 2024. My heart is full as my two out-of-town children are home for the week and all three rascals will be here for Christmas. As I watch tragedies unfold around the world, I certainly appreciate the gifts God has given me….