Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Christmas is a less than one week away. Oh my. Even though I dream about having a comprehensive holiday home tour to show you, I am still noodling around with decorations (and cleaning up). Welcome to Saturday Meanderings! I am envisioning you with all your gift shopping done and lounging around in your red striped…

Holiday Dining Room Decor
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Holiday Dining Room Decor

Yesterday, I went shopping for pink (yes, pink!) Christmas ornaments. Seriously. What was I thinking?!? Hobby Lobby is one endless row of empty shelves after another. Online shopping will get you ornaments shipped after the holiday at the end of December. Not admitting defeat, I checked out Michaels. Again, hardly any inventory, but I went…

Holiday Front Porch Decor
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Holiday Front Porch Decor

When I painted the front door a new color in April (see post here), I was worried the color might only be appropriate for summer and spring. But surprisingly, the color is proving to be one for all seasons. Remember my autumn wreath against this color? Just perfect. Well now, I want you to see…

Cleaning a Chandelier
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How to Clean a Crystal Chandelier

The crystal chandelier in our dining room has traveled with me from house to house. Found in an antique store and electrified, I love the elegance and beauty of it. Not too gaudy, but just enough sparkle to make the dining room extra special. Once a year, every December, I clean the chandelier by hand….