DIY Wreaths Using Natural Materials
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DIY Wreaths Using Natural Materials

I love incorporating natural materials into any DIY project for two reasons. 1) You cannot replicate nature and its beauty; 2) Natural products are free and do not cost anything. Good quality faux branches and flowers are expensive. And even though they are pretty, they are not genuine or unique as Nature provides. Have you…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Thank you for joining me today as I share my Saturday meanderings. Happy Labor Day weekend! If you ask most people, they probably don’t realize why this is a federal holiday. In 1894 Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday. Labor Day celebrates the social and…

Fun Things at Home Depot
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Fun Things at Home Depot

During a recent trip to Home Depot, I found a few fun things and bargains that I want to share with you. Typically, when I think of Home Depot, lumber, plumbing and hardware comes to mind. But in the last few years, Home Depot has become so much more. Here is a list of some…

Vintage snow shoes
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Scandinavian Cabin Touches

Last week I posted my thoughts of adding more Scandinavian touches to our cabin in the White Mountains of Arizona. The typical decor in our area is mountain-style, lots of carved bears and pine wall treatments. If you missed that post, click here to see some lovely ideas. Unfortunately, our cabin is a remodeled flip…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

stories Happy July 4th to all of you! We are happily ensconced here in the mountains of Arizona enjoying the cooler temperatures. I love all the patriotism here as nearly every cabin is displaying flags and lots of red, white and blue. Our mountain community is a combination of older, original cabins and of course,…