Escaping to the Cabin

After a very stressful week meeting unpleasant deadlines, I jumped at the chance to join my husband in his annual “take the geraniums to the mountain” trip. The high temperatures in Phoenix are distressing the many potted geraniums we have. Each spring we pile them in the back of the pickup and drive them to moderate temperatures for the summer.

We arrived late last night to a cool and windy 65 degrees. This morning, the skies are clear and blue and sunny.

Since we haven’t been here since November today will be cobweb cleaning and opening up all the windows. One of the first things I check is the basket of geraniums hanging outside the front door. A few years back, a momma bird built a nest and has been returning each spring.

Here is a picture of the nest this morning. No eggs, but the photo with eggs was taken at the end of May 2019.

Though it will be a day of chores, there is something cathartic about letting in the fresh air and getting rid of the dust and winter staleness. We will unveil Gandalf, our carved pine tree. The tree died a few years ago and a talented wood carver created our one of a kind yard art piece.

The pear and apple trees have blooms on them~a good sign that we will have fruit again this year. I still find it so strange that we didn’t even know we had a pear tree until last year, as it did not bear fruit for the last 7 years.

As I wrap up the last of my coffee, I hope my stress less vibes reach all of you today! Have a glorious weekend and happy May! If you would like to see more pictures of our cabin, please click here.

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Oh Mary – what a wonderful place! My stress level went down just looking at it! I’m so glad you got to go, and I hope you get to stay for awhile. We have a piece of beach property we keep threatening to build on – you’ve inspired me to move that up the priority list! 😉 Take care and hope you continue to have a wonderful time!