Getting Back to Basics
I am from the generation that grew up with one television. The only time we were allowed to watch it was Sunday night. After a bath (there was no shower) and in our jammies, we would all sit together and watch a show. The television was never on during the week but we didn’t seem to miss it. Our lives were full of school, athletics and activities.
Weekends were spent playing down the street with the neighborhood kids. We knew it was time to come home when we heard Dad’s whistle~~you know, the one that you use your middle finger and thumb? The one I never mastered? But the minute we heard that high pitched sound, we dropped what we were doing and ran home.

We were middle class America~~Mom and Dad and five children. It was a good life where there was a clear distinction between right and wrong. There were simple rules to live by, such as “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”.
Each of us had our responsibilites~~cleaning the house, doing laundry, mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage. Dinner was always served around a big table. We ate together as a family. We knew that Christmas and birthdays were the only time we got gifts. Grades were very important to my folks and we never wanted to let them down. My parents lived within their means.

It’s time to slow down
Sometimes I think the world is moving too fast. As much as I appreciate what technology has added to our lives, it is difficult to avoid being over connected. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, 24/7 news, and the hundreds of channels accessible to us. Am I the only one who wants to shut my eyes and cover my ears? When was the last time I laid in the grass and watched the clouds sailing by?

The other day I realized I felt weird without my iPhone. Remember when the only phones in the house were the wall phone in the kitchen with the extra long cord and the extension one by the parent’s bed? And you could listen in on someone’s conversation if you slowly and quietly picked up the other receiver?
The need for simplicity
I don’t want to sound like an old person but I long for some of that simplicity. We NEED the quiet, the simple, the honest, and the genuine. Our souls are not fed by the number of Instagram followers we have nor the number of likes on Facebook.

I had a social media epiphany lately. After researching all the ways to get more followers, more likes, more exposure, I realized I was spending hours checking social media. Today, I finally put down my phone and thought, “what the heck am I doing?”

All this research was supposed to help support my blogging. But when I really stopped to think about it, I was straying from my core values. I felt like I was going down the wrong path, trying to become something that didn’t feel honest, genuine or simple.
Starting this blog did not include the goal of making money or getting advertisers. It was born from the loss of both my parents…a way for me to document life in order to perhaps slow it down. And here I was trying to increase subscribers, viewers, likes, etc. and wasting hours of my day. For what?

Why I blog
Here are the reasons I started Life at Bella Terra.
1) In this crazy and often cruel world, I want to capture simple goodness. I want to provide to you, my subscribers, a place that is beautiful, creative, thoughtful, educational and interesting. Every day I am so grateful for my life, my world, my family and my home. This gratitude is worth sharing.

Bella Terra is a safe harbor for our children, a warm place for our friends and family, a historical gem for our city. We are its guardians. In what feels like an unsafe world where you are cancelled for having your own thoughts and opinions, everyone is welcome here.

2) This blog allows me to look at my life through a different lens. When you spend a great deal of time in a place, it is a challenge to look at things objectively. How did I not see the really ugly paint color in my kitchen? However, I did see it in my photographs.
When I set a table, it looks good to me. In a photo, the silverware is cattywampus and how did I miss all the dust on the table? I’m learning something new every day. I am seeking more grace in my daily activities.

3) This blog is a living diary. I try and share what makes me happy, what inspires me, and perhaps something new that I have learned. I am excited to share that with you. It is with great hope that what makes me happy, makes you happy.

Quite honestly, I don’t care about Instagram’s algorithm. Nor am I feeling as if I have to post something every day. I have a life to live and why would we want to waste precious time staring at our phones or spending hours on our computer?
My personal goals are to post something on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. However, I will blog only when I am inspired to share something with you, not because of some fake deadline or sense of responsibility.

Thank you for listening to my revelations about blogging and Life at Bella Terra. As always, I love hearing what you like about this blog, what you would like to see more of, and while you’re at it, what you don’t like. If you family or friends are needing a bit of beauty, I hope you refer them here.

So if you feel like life is spinning a bit out of control, put down your phone, turn off the television. Make a connection with someone you love or someone you would like to get to know better. Help someone in need. Find depth and meaning in the simplest of things. The world needs more love, honesty and human connections. We do need to care for ourselves while being graceful and patient with others.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
I appreciate you!
So true and lovely, yes, didn’t miss the face in the clouds, (where I spend most of my time), also the middle of 5 kids and yearning for the simple sweet days.
You are the epitome of grace and balance. Never change.
A perfect post for any time of year, but especially as we head into Thanksgiving and the Christmas season. I’m so thankful and blessed that my childhood was similar to yours. The only ‘media’ claiming our attention as children was the Sears Wish Book 🙂 Several of my family members (myself included) are fortunate to live in the country and we take turns hosting family events. I’m glad that the myriad nieces, nephews, and grands enjoy spending that time outside and also playing board games together. This weekend the kids (and grown ones, lol) will be doing a nature scavenger hunt we found online. It may only be a couple of weeks throughout the year, but it’s wonderful to unplug. At the same time, I’m thankful for technology so we can share those times with the ones who can’t be with us. My grand-nephew is deployed overseas with the Navy, but we’ll be able to Zoom with him tomorrow; same with my other nephew and his wife who live in the UK. Technology can be a great tool, but we need to be sure we don’t become its slaves. A very happy and blessed Thanksgiving to all!
Patty, I remember the Sears Wish book too. We would spend hours going through it and circling what we wanted. I agree about the benefits of technology and your family activities are so appealing! Have a blessed Thanksgiving and enjoy every minute with your wonderful family.
Oh my gracious u hit the nail on the head.. How we passionately want the days playing outside, friends in person, water fights with adults and us children AND at night go dew worming for the next day when we go fishing. I was only 5 and loved it all.
I pray for the insanity to be caste out of the present day.
Love ur post.
Diana, I so remember playing outside all day and many wonderful memories with family. It used to be part of daily life and now we actively seek it….and it is so important for our spiritual health. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for commenting.
I so enjoyed reading this post…so much of what you wrote hit home in a sweet way…Thank you for letting in the much needed silence for the soul.
My mom passed at the age of 98 this year.We were truly blessed with a healthy, gentle passing! I enjoy that silence you speak of, even more now…as it opens the door to our laughter, songs and memories. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Nanette, Oh how nice to have your mom for so long and to have a gentle passing. Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving. May it be filled with lots of laughter.
Five years can not be possible can it? You achieved your goal. Your blog is exactly that for me. Inspiration and a great reminder to look at what we have an make that memorable. Maybe not AS memorable as your amazing home, but in our one way. Keep writing Mary!
Andrea, thank you for your sweet comments.One of the biggest blessings of blogging is having you as a friend. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving!
Thank you!
I could SO relate to how life used to be. We played OUTSIDE until dark! We rarely watched one of three TV channels. And that sneaky way we had of listening in on the phone! LOL. I loved your blog and your thoughts.
Linda, There was a bit more simplicity back then….which I miss. Happy, simple memories…
This is such a wonderful post, Mary. I feel the same way. I’m tired of documenting life rather than living it. I’ve taken a huge step back and am enjoying every minute of it.
I am just now reading your article…lovely! And thank you!
But…just curious…did anyone else see “the face” in the clouds of your 1st picture? Right smack in the middle…the face of a man…G-d? Maybe it’s just me…I didn’t realize you had originally written this in 2018…it is very timely. Thank you again!
Tonna, Oh my gosh! I do see the face! Isn’t it amazing how you see this but I completely missed it? Thanks for pointing it out.
So beautiful and exactly how I feel today…..and exactly how I grew up. We had so much fun
then. I love your home and all the things you share with us, Please continue.
Va, I feel so blessed to have a childhood where our parents let us roam for the day. Such freedoms and such discovery during those times. As much as I think the internet and being connected is, I miss the times where you went days on end and just enjoyed life…
Thank you again for the inspiration and gentle reminders! So timely!
Such a great post! I’m am there with you. Hugs and blessings to you, my friend.
You are truly a treasure. Thank you for sharing your beautiful insights and thoughts. Your photography is excellent and many things bring smiles and memories.
Keep it up
Alan, you are so sweet to take the time to comment. Thank you.
Mary you are beautiful! I love you for that gracious heart and for living life the way you want to. Thank you for sharing that beauty and inspiration my friend!
Wow! Great, insightful post, you are 1,000% correct. Mary, you have succeeded with your blog doing what you intended to do, it’s refreshing. I expose myself to very limited Social media. Confession… I still have a flip phone, LOL.
Bravo! Well said! You have now become my favorite blogger….I was born and raised in Phoenix and miss it’s natural beauty , lovely land, historical sights, Indian heritage arts, and sunsets. You seem to capture all of this in your Blog , and I so appreciate you sharing it with the rest of the world. We all need to slow down and focus on what is in front of us . Thank you ! Sam Whitelock Mauldin
P.S. someday please visit the stock flower fields at the base of South Mountain…..close your eyes and smell the beauty!!
Sam, I used to love to go down to South Mountain to see all the flower farms. So many are gone now to development (so sad)…but I will definitely check out the stock flower fields. I haven’t been down there in a long time. I am trying to grow stock from seed here and having questionable results. If you are ever in No. Central, let me know. We love to share the old time Phoenix feel of our property. It’s most beautiful in the Spring, but shortly, the yard will rejuvenate itself after the hot summer. Come for coffee or tea!
Very well said! I so enjoy reading Life at Bella Terra.
Margie, thank you so much!
I stumbled across your blog from Thistlewood Farms. What a delight. I love this post and can relate so much. I’m doing some soul searching especially after the very recent loss of my father In law. Truly every day is a gift. Thanks for brightening mine today.
JC, I am so sorry for the loss of your father-in-law. I started Life at Bella Terra after losing both of my parents very close to each other. I also read your post today about Billy Graham and his message of hope. Thank you for reaching out and I hope we can continue to find joy with each other’s blog.
100% true! All of what you said! First of all, it is completely natural to experience what you are experiencing. I experienced a writer’s block that lasted almost 5 months because of the “technology” of it all and I completely relate. You have definitely found your path again though because this post is full of soul.
Plus, when you enjoy doing what you do, other’s who appreciate it will enjoy it too. This is why I love reading and sipping tea because they are two ways to completely disconnect from technology. If one isn’t careful, one could drown in all the apps!
You are doing an excellent job and the pace of La Bella Terra is exactly as it should be. Also, thanks for reminding me that this spring/summer I am due to lay in the grass and watch the clouds go by…I used to do that all the time as a child, even would fall asleep and wake up still sprawled on the lawn… 🙂
This article was full of heart and soul! Keep expressing yourself and staying true to yourself! Best of wishes!
My daughter wanted me to drive her up there today to experience some winter!! Sounds like it will be cold there all week. Same here (well, slightly warmer) but I am going to cover the garden tonight. Temps are predicted in the 30s.
Yes, our sweet little cabin is for sale. Trying to reduce the properties we have. Less management and more time for fun!
Stay warm!
I adore this and share every single word and sentiment. I’m cutting this short to go outside and lay in the grass to watch the clouds racing across the sky. Maybe I’ll make a yummy soup for dinner?
Mary…while I always love reading your blog, this might be my favorite one! Your words are so inspiring and thought provoking. I loved reminiscing about the simpler times and sometimes feel overwhelmed with the social media and technology. We absolutely need to unplug and appreciate our family, friendships and surroundings. Life passes us by too quickly. I’ve often admired how you’ve documented your life is such a way your kids will forever have this as a reference for building their own traditions while treasuring the memories and traditions you have modeled. Thanks so much for sharing your blog with those of us fortunate to know you.
Thank you so much. It’s a blustery, cloudy, chilly day here in Phoenix. I just went out and laid on the grass and looked at the clouds~~it brought me right back to my childhood! Really making an effort to be more in the moment. Life has a way of sweeping us up in all the chaos…
It’s cold and blustery in Pinetop: rain, snow, sleet, sun – repeat. repeat, repeat, etc. Not really cold enough to keep snowing.
I was surprised to see the for sale sign on your little cabin.
I always enjoy your blogs, but I am truly amazed by all the things you do…and do so beautifully!