Happy New Year!

It is hard for me to believe that we are beginning a new decade. It feels like yesterday that we were celebrating the beginning of a new century. The concept of time is so fleeting, isn’t it? In a blink, 20 years has passed.

Most “new” years, I am excited for the fresh beginning, the anticipation of new challenges and looking forward and ahead. 2019 was a year full of life changes and I am still trying some on for size. Empty nesting, especially. Having our youngest leave for college in the fall has been unsettling for me. But I know different opportunities and a clearer path will come into focus for me in 2020. Ambiguity is not my strong suit.

This is the first time in my life I have thought about this ~~ I have more decades in my rear view mirror than I have ahead. I recently spoke with an older friend of mine who stated the hardest thing about getting older is feeling irrelevant. The reality of empty nesting has me also pondering the concept of aging and where I fit in the world. This discussion could be an entire blog post!

But enough of that! As much as I love the holidays, I am ready to get back on track. The indulgences over these last few weeks have been marvelous, but my body craves the routine of healthy eating, accomplishing goals and outlining next steps.

In reviewing the past year, the most popular blog post was my son’s bedroom remodel. Since 2020 will require additional maintenance to Bella Terra, I hope to feature more “re-done” spaces. This year the well tower will need to be repaired, re-stained and deep cleaned. The garage needs a complete overhaul. It has been one of those spaces where you shove everything in and then close the door. I am determined to clear it all out, donate as much as possible and re-configure the space so we can actually use it to park our cars!

We are pretty boring New Year’s Eve types. I am happy to watch the ball drop in New York City at 10:00 p.m. our time and then head to bed. I prefer to greet the new year with a good night’s sleep and then an early morning hike or vigorous walk. The days of dancing and partying until actual midnight are fond, yet distant memories.

Whatever you do to celebrate the New Year, or perhaps you just want it to quietly slip into your life, I wish you and your family joy, love and good health.

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Beautiful post. Blessings to all of you.
Happy New Year Mary
Hope to see you soon