November Meanderings
I don’t know if it is because I was raised in New England, but this time of year is one of my favorites. November is my “pause” month. A time to slow down and synch my rhythms to the earth. The days are shorter and the angle of the sun is soft and golden. We finally have cooler temperatures here with crisp, chilly mornings.

The bloggers who have thousands of followers are already onto Christmas. Though I find it hard to fathom, many have put up their Christmas trees and decorations the day after Halloween. It seems like everyone is trying to elbow their way first in the mass retail hysteria of the holidays.

I can promise you that anything holiday-ish will not appear on this blog until after Thanksgiving. I cherish the month of November and am lulled by its quiet simplicity. It is a time for me to catch my breath, slow my breathing and appreciate the new smells and sights of the season.

During the months of October and November, I focus on more home keeping. Years ago, when I lived in California, I had a neighbor whose home always looked fabulous, in spite of having a large family and pets. I asked what her secret was~~she said every fall she had all the dings, dents and chips fixed around the house. Every since then, I take care of the wear and tear our home has experienced throughout the year. I am always surprised how much time this takes, but keeping on top of the maintenance makes it worthwhile in the long run.

This year the focus has been on our windows and screens. Replacing screens with tears or holes and fixing windows that don’t quite close properly. In the process, we’ve touched up window sills and baseboards with fresh paint. It’s amazing how those little changes make the house feel refreshed.

I am also thinking ahead to Thanksgiving and pushing any Christmas decorations out of my head. Our son will be coming home from Washington, D.C. and I cannot wait to have us all together again. He’s quite the cook, so many happy moments will be spent in the kitchen.

For me, November is the month to focus on home and appreciate all that goes with it. It needs some loving care and as tedious as that sounds, I think the walls and windows are happy.
Be joyful this month. Slow down and take time to notice the season’s changes and how it affects you.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
This is really encouraging because when I think of focusing on my home I think of Spring Cleaning (which seems like a beast) but if I took some time in November to also focus on home then maybe it wouldn’t feel so overwhelming in Spring. Thanks for this tid-bit Mary! I’m going to take this advice next year and see how it works out for us in the Spring, if it lightens our load…
Keep of the beautiful work at Bella Terra!!
Thank you for giving me a new perspective on November. Ive always loved the fall, but November not so much. I like the idea of it being a month of pause, after the invigorating month of October and before the rush of December. Here’s to November!
I’m new to your blog and I’m enjoying it very much!
Thanks, Maxine
Thank you for your kind comments. I must tell you they came at a very good time for me this a.m. I’ve pulled my lower back out and I’m feeling a bit down in the dumps.
Your note made me smile.