Creating an Antler Centerpiece

Having 4 talented bloggers come to Phoenix and stay at my home last week was such a treat. There is SO much to tell you, but one of the highlights is the Friday night dinner. They all brought favorite recipes and made dinner for 8. Since we are being COVID respectful, dinner in the orchard seems to be the perfect location for us to gather. I can honestly say it is very fun to have these extraordinary, creative women scouring the house for items to set the table. The set of antlers we recently got from a friend (see post here), was the perfect stimulus for the rest of the table design.

Andrea, Chas, me, Barbara and Chloe

But first let me tell you a little bit about each of my guests. In October 2019, I attended an Inspiration Workshop in Texas at KariAnne’s home (Thistlewood Farms). After the workshop, one of the attendees started a weekly conference call where 5 of us would remain connected and share our blogging knowledge (or inexperience in my case).

Inspiration Workshop October 2019

Over time, a few new bloggers joined the weekly call. When COVID hit, we had our network already up and running. Each week I found myself enjoying our virtual connection in a world promoting lockdowns and isolation.

Long story short, we decided to meet in person here at Bella Terra. I am excited and delighted to host this group. Unfortunately, two members could not attend due to family obligations. Kristin from White Arrows Home wrote a lovely post about why she needed to miss our gathering. You can read it here.

Setting the Table: The Linens

Since Barbara from Mantel and Table and Chloe from Celebrate and Decorate are Tablescape masters, they quickly select the tablecloth (a vintage find embroidered neutral) and a pink linen runner (from Williams Sonoma).

The Dishes

The charger is a ruffled, gold glass one from Leslie Roy, with an additional brass one on top. The plate is my favorite one for fall, Johnson Brothers Windsor Ware. Personally, I have never considered using double chargers, but the layering creates a fabulous and elegant look.

The Antlers

Andrea and Chloe

Take charge Chloe grabs the antlers off the front porch and off she goes to the orchard. Barbara states we need flowers and fruit and off we go to Whitfill Nursery and Safeway. Andrea from Design Morsels and Chas from Chas Crazy Creations help with all the rest~getting the glasses, silverware, chairs, etc. Activity is buzzing in the orchard!

The Stemware

Barbara and Chloe

After selecting the right colors, sizes and shapes of flowers and fruits, Barbara goes to work on adding the final elements to the table.

Flowers and Fruit

Cut flowers from Safeway; snapdragons from Whitfill

Pink stemware picks up the rose color on the plate. The pink glasses are vintage and part of my collection. Larger pink wine glasses are from Pier One Imports. Chrysanthemums, golden flowers and fruit bring the colors of the plate design to the table.

Pomegranates, pears, crab apples and grapes are tucked in among the flowers and antlers.

Using my Wallace Napoleon Bee pattern flatware, the gold accent goes well with the chargers. You can find this stemware on Amazon here.

As a side note, the antlers are sheds, meaning an animal was not killed for them. Elk grow antlers every year and shed their old ones. We will be using these antlers at our mountain cabin, once they are properly mounted.

Even the pink plastic containers holding the snapdragons blend in with the centerpiece. Squares of plastic are placed beneath the pots to prevent the tablecloth from getting soiled.

The Evening

As evening approaches, the lanterns which were a bargain purchase from Home Depot, are used to line the walkway to the table. You can see that blog post here.

What a magical evening! The dinner everyone prepares is so delicious and worthy of another blog post.

Here’s what I learned: When you live with all your belongings, it is difficult to step outside the box and create something new and different. I would never have thought to use the antlers, nor would I have paired it with pink. But look how lovely this table is~a mixture of rustic and elegance! Wish these friends lived closer as I would invite them over all the time to help me do things like this.

Happy Wednesday! For other centerpiece ideas using plants, flower and fruits, check out a previous post here.

If you enjoy this post, please do share it on Pinterest.

This post shared with Charming Homes & Gardens Week 34

Between Naps on the Porch Tablescapes Thursday #634

Spring and Easter Inspiration

Generally right after St. Patrick’s Day, I am full steam ahead on Easter. But I feel like the last week has been a blur and it’s hard to stay focused with so much going on around us. The purpose of this post is to tune out all the noise, and enjoy Spring and remember that Easter is 2 1/2 weeks away. Really.

* Daffodils in my tulipieres

A small treat for you today, is a link to this adorable Spring printable. Lucy, from Craftberry Bush is SO talented and generous in sharing her happy artwork. Makes me want to take watercolor classes. The printable comes with or without different messages. Click here for the download. So easy to print!

The evolution of the bulb garden is a source of constant joy and amazement. The sweat equity of planting of over 400 bulbs is now paying off. The hyacinths are past their prime, but the tulips! That red! Nothing beats the colors of nature.

Here is a before picture of the non-existent bulb garden last September…..

And now today! You can see the bearded irises just starting to show their blooms.

It dawned on me that Spring is happening all around us. I am very behind in my decorating for Easter. I pulled out boxes today and found some items that I cherish and bought many years ago. It was enough of a lift to get me at least thinking about the Easter holiday.

In order to help get you into the spirit of Spring and Easter, here are some photos from some of my favorite bloggers.

Yvonne, from Stone Gable, never disappoints. Her photos are fabulous and her blog is so informative.

Stone Gable

Plus if you want to make these Chinoiserie eggs, click here. Aren’t they beautiful? I am definitely going to try this.

I just discovered Ann at Dabbling and Decorating. She has a home in Vermont and Maine and a fresh, light look to her decor.

My friend, Kristin, from White Arrows Home is part of an Easter Tablescape and Bunny Hop tour. Kristin lives in the Northwoods of Wisconsin in a big log cabin and I had the good fortune to meet her last October. Isn’t this a whimsical and fun table?

White Arrows Home

Another new discovery is Rachel from The Pond’s Farmhouse, who sold everything, built a home and moved to the country! I like her “nest” chargers.

Barbara from Mantel and Table has a Tuesday teacup series and everytime I see her post, I am inspired to make a cup of tea in a pretty cup. I think we all deserve some pampering now and again.

Royal Albert Moonlight Rose Teacup
Mantel and Table

Courtney from French Country Cottage is a professional photographer and has the most beautiful pictures. Her photos have encouraged me to focus on improving my own photos. To read a previous post about attending her book signing at Patina Farm, click here.

French Country Cottage

Isn’t this tablescape so serene and peaceful? Karen from Sanctuary Home Decor has stunning taste and wonderful ideas on how she changes her home from season to season.

Sanctuary Home

Even though I’ve never met many of my Instagram or blogging friends, I feel like we would be kindred spirits if we lived next door. The internet has provided an opportunity for us to get to know others while respecting the physical distancing requests that have been made of our country.

On a separate note, I wanted to share this last photo to show you our new norm. My daughter, Elisabeth, had to move out of her dorm and back home. She is completing her freshman year by taking online courses here at home. She has found the perfect spot to listen to her Criminal Justice class.

Inspiration can come from many sources. Do you have any Easter or Spring inspiration you want to share? Let’s keep each other’s spirits up!

Have a fabulous Wednesday and stay healthy!

*The tulipieres in the first picture are from The Enchanted Home. Daffodils are a great price at Safeway right now at 3 bunches for $5.00 (while tulips were $1 each). They are closed up but within 24 hours are showing their pretty yellow blossoms. To see a post about these tulipieres, click here.

The Restoration Chronicles~~Chapter 2

Back Northwest corner of main house-Before

Welcome to Chapter 2 of the restoration journey of our 110 year old historic home. A few weeks ago, I shared Chapter 1 of The Restoration Chronicles which focuses on the front of the main house. Well, let me take you around to the back of the house, because the renovation/restoration work here is so much more extensive. To read Chapter 1, click here.

The original kitchen in the main house was not only small, but the electric stove was an inch away from the kitchen sink. Not sure how that ever passed inspection! I began dreaming of designing my ideal kitchen. It was evident that we had to expand onto the back of the house. Like dominos, that decision set in motion a series of renovation improvements.

View from the well tower to the main house-site of the future kitchen and basement.

There was no garage but a feeble lean-to that was more of a broken down carport. You can see remnants of it (gray roof) in the bottom of the above photo. Eventually that was removed and a circular driveway installed.

Though the house already had a very small, dirt basement, the kitchen addition provided an opportunity to create a bigger basement. You can see where the hole for it has been excavated. So above the basement “hole” is where my new kitchen will be located.

Back of house during construction

This photo shows the new foundation walls to the kitchen. The basement walls at this point have been secured and made water tight.


Now that the kitchen/basement has been added, we need to make sure the new addition flows with the rest of the house. I am so grateful for the help and creative genius of our architect, Cathy Hayes. She made all the puzzle pieces fit together!

We do so by creating a large, outdoor covered terrace. A two-story fireplace is built on the south end. This becomes the focal point for both the downstairs and 2nd story patios. To see a previous post about the back terrace, click here.

Back Terrace during construction
Back Terrace After

The new additions on the first level created yet again, MORE opportunities to expand the second story, but that will be in Chapter 3! Ka-ching, ka-ching!

2nd Story Master Terrace

The photo below shows the new kitchen addition, with the stucco and roof tiles being applied. The carport is no longer there.

The view of the kitchen this morning

I love the large exterior roof overhangs. Whoever designed this house, took into account the sun and its placement during the day. These large 3 foot overhangs are so effective in protecting us from the extreme heat in the summer, especially on this western side of the house.

During all this construction, yes, we were living in our double-wide Cavco trailer, or manufactured home. The construction site was a real live playground for our two toddlers, who were happy as clams with all the dirt piles, excavators, and trucks.

It was a very joyful time for them, as they had no clue about the stresses or challenges of such a major restoration. Any dangerous parts of the project were off limits to the children, but I allowed them to play freely and get as dirty as they wanted.

Since the entire property was an active construction site, parking our cars was only allowed at the very front of the house.

Parking only in the front of the house

Below is a red wagon that I used multiple times a day. I hauled groceries and children back and forth from the front of the house to the double-wide, which was parked at the very rear of the lot. It was rough terrain and approximately 300 feet from the car to the trailer. The wagon would only hold 2 children and one bag of groceries so I made that walk, back and forth, so many times. One day, the wagon had enough. Its wheels fell off and it sighed with exhaustion. I felt like I lost a trusted companion.

Our Christmas card photos were rather fun during the 3 year restoration project. We really worked hard at keeping our sense of humor!

Yes, I am pregnant in that photo. More to come about that!

I hope you have enjoyed Chapter 2 of The Restoration Chronicles. Did you have a nice Valentine’s Day? Personally, I was happy to stay home and just enjoy a quiet Friday night.

Thank you again for following my stories here on the blog and on Instagram and Facebook. I just learned how to do Instagram Stories. Woohoo! IG Stories only stays online for 24 hours. Please check them out and tell me what you think.

Have a terrific weekend!

If you enjoy this post, please share on Pinterest.

This post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday #638

A Few of My Favorite Things

When someone shares their favorite product, or book, movie, food, or restaurant, I look forward to trying their recommendation.

Here are five of my favorite items~~you know, the ones that make you feel good inside.

My Happy Cups:  Three years ago my Dad passed away here at our home.   It took several weeks for me to overcome missing his presence in our house. Each room was a reminder that he wasn’t with us anymore. I didn’t want our home consumed with sorrow as his death coincided with many happy occasions for our family (i.e. my daughter’s graduation).  One day I decided it was time to “re-love” our home.  As a result, I went and bought new cups for my morning (and afternoon) coffee.  I call these my happy cups because, every time I use one, I feel happy.  The cups are from Anthropologie.

Candles and Diffusers:  My absolute FAVORITE candle is Capri Blue Volcano.  They also make a diffuser.  Typically the candle is in their signature blue jar, but the silver container (in the photo) was one of their holiday designs.  This candle smells SO good and it seems to be the only one that can combat strong kitchen smells like fish and broccoli.  It has a crisp and clean scent and though I have tried other candles, this one wins out each and every time.  You can purchase this candle online through Amazon or Anthropology.

My favorite decorative candle is anything from Rosy Rings.  Their candles are works of art…..the more they burn down the better you see all the botanicals imbedded in the wax. This one is Apricot Rose.  I featured their Autumn candle in a previous post. You can purchase these online through the manufacturer or Amazon.

Wooden Spoon Products:   Wooden Spoon Herbs is a boutique herbal medicine line base in the Appalachian foothills. The Wildwood Flower moisturizer is kept by the kitchen sink to use on my hands. Made from natural ingredients, it is perfect on my dry skin and smells like a field of wildflowers.  I cannot wear it around the dogs and cats because they try to lick it off… must taste good too!

I just recently started using their Super Green Protein Powder made from moringa, nettle and oatstraw.  This superfood is filled with nutrients and claims to nourish, alkalize, tones and calms the nervous system. All it takes is 1-2 teaspoons per daily.

Small bowls:  I can’t say enough about these small bowls.  The glass ones were a gift from my friend, Connie (who is the master gift giver).  I use them EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Made in France by Duralex, they are perfect for recipe preparation, sauces, dips, olives, and more.  The two sizes I have (3 1/4″ and 4 3/4″) stack for easy storage.  They can be used in the microwave and freezer.

The small white bowls are from West Elm and these get used equally as much.  Not only do we use them for food, but also they were an integral part of my Valentine’s Day dinner party centerpiece, where I filled them with flowers to create a high/low centerpiece.

Vital Proteins:  I have been using this product for 2 years and the benefits for me are: improved nails, hair and joint health.  As we age, we stop producing collagen.  This dietary supplement has 18 grams of protein in two scoops, which I add to warm lemon water or coffee in the morning.  I believe it dissolves better in hot vs. cold liquid. Made from grass fed and pasture raised bovine, it has 20 grams of collagen per serving.  The 20 oz. container has 28 servings.  My joints have literally stopped popping and clicking.  You can order it through Vital Proteins or Amazon.

Do you have a favorite product? Wouldn’t it be fun to put together a list of Favorite Things? Please send me your Fav 5 and hopefully I can generate a list to share~~especially before the holidays.
















Coffee/Beverage Center Re-do

The lifeblood of our household revolves around the kitchen, especially the coffee/tea counter. In the mornings, this portion of the kitchen is crowded, with each family member making their favorite beverage. For my daughter, it is tea in all its forms-loose leaf, tea bags, compressed blocks that require specific water temperatures and steeping times. For the rest of us, life begins around the Nespresso machine and the numerous flavors of coffee pods.

This is a rather hectic and cluttered part of the kitchen.  The good news is that everything you need to make coffee drinks and tea is here~~mugs, teacups, flavorings, toppings, timer, etc. But it’s rather messy nearly all the time.

Large glass containers hold tea bags and Nespresso pods, which take up too much space but I haven’t come up with a better alternative.

The counter is angled between the Dacor gas range on the left and the SubZero refrigerator and freezer on the right.  Though the picture doesn’t capture the color accurately, the granite countertop is a dark green with sage marbling and flecks of cranberry.  The hand made tile backsplash is from Waterworks.

I’ve been pondering how to make this area more efficient.  So I cleared everything off the counter and started from scratch. I’m not a big fan of having lots of appliances on the counters, but in this area, the three machines (Nespresso machine, electric teapot, and milk frother) are used multiple times every day.

I found this tiered tray at my favorite garden destination, Whitfill Nursery.  They converted a small adobe home on the property as a store and offer unique garden and home items.  Painted Fox also has a very nice selection of tiered trays online.  Initially I thought it may be too wide, but it seems to be able to handle our favorite coffee cups, flavorings, tea supplies and toppings.

I have a few favorite cups, which I refer to as my “happy” cups.  For some reason they make me smile (a great way to start the day) and all of them are from Anthropologie.

We will test drive this new coffee/tea station design and see how it works.  I am pleased I have one less cluttered counter!