Happy First Day of Fall 2020
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Happy First Day of Fall 2020

Today fall begins in the United States and everywhere else in the northern hemisphere. The autumn equinox — also known as the autumnal equinox, the fall equinox or the September equinox — occurs when the sun moves directly over the Earth’s Equator, bringing virtually the same amount of daylight and darkness on that particular day. Happy…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday! My hope is that Saturday Meanderings is to have a conversation with you about odds and ends about the previous week. So pull up a chair and grab a cup of coffee and let’s chat. Boy did this week fly by and it is a stressful one that I am happy to have…

Making Fabric Pumpkins
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Making Fabric Pumpkins

I love fabric pumpkins for home decorations in the fall. They come in a variety of sizes and fabric and you can coordinate them with every room in your home. Year to year, I store our fabric pumpkins in plastic tubs in our garage. If you are marginally handy, you too can make your own…

What Makes a House A Home
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What Makes a House A Home

So last night, I was thinking about all the things that make a house a home. This started when I was admiring my lamps in the master bedroom at our cabin. I was relentless in hunting down these lamps, which literally took weeks. I first saw them in a photo (above) of a Sarah Richardson…

DIY Wreaths Using Natural Materials
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DIY Wreaths Using Natural Materials

I love incorporating natural materials into any DIY project for two reasons. 1) You cannot replicate nature and its beauty; 2) Natural products are free and do not cost anything. Good quality faux branches and flowers are expensive. And even though they are pretty, they are not genuine or unique as Nature provides. Have you…