Property Maintenance

There is nothing better than having house guests to motivate you to spiff up your property. This has been a year of projects, mostly because of being confined to home more than usual. But this year it is necessary to get some of the bigger property maintenance projects done. Last week, I was blessed to have 4 friends come and stay. Since they haven’t been here before, I naturally wanted to make sure our property was in the best condition possible. A great time to finally schedule some overdue maintenance work.
The Well Tower

The well tower siding is redwood clapboard. Every five years it needs to be sanded and re-stained due to the exposure to our brutal summer sun. Peeling, blistering and fading make the structure look tired.

Being a size and shape that is difficult to navigate, I hire my favorite painter, John Cruz to help. John and I have been working together for years. He is my go-to painter for all my home remodels. The quality of his work is excellent and I believe his pricing to be fair. Plus he is fun to be around!

With the well tower power washed and the sides sanded, it is now ready for stain. The dark green trim is also re-coated, making the final project crisp and ready for another 5 years. To see more information on the history of the well tower and its restoration, click here.
The Barn

I haven’t shared much about the barn. Originally home to two horses (long before we owned Bella Terra), the barn is now where furniture is stored. Once the headquarters of 2 Connecticut Yankees, the barn was a fun vintage shop started by me and my friend, Susan. Filled with antiques and old treasures, Susan and I would have a barn sale 2-3 times per year. To see more about 2 Connecticut Yankees, click here.

But life and family responsibilities became bigger priorities and the barn sales stopped. A few of our pieces and treasures are still inside. Some of those pieces can be found in my Store (there’s a tab on the top of my website).

Using Ralph Lauren Barn Red, this structure definitely needed a new paint job. Though Ralph Lauren got out of the paint business in 2017, Sherwin Williams replicates this color. John scraped off the blistering paint, protected the hinges, primed where necessary and coated the entire barn with a fresh red layer.

The posts were primed in gray paint and then new white paint is applied.

All the hinges are re-painted with a fresh coat of black. Everything is now looking so much better.

The Hen House

Though the paint, for the most part, still looks good on the body of the hen house, the entry doors need significant help.

Using the same red paint as the barn, John, makes them pop again with his magical brushes.
Miscellaneous Touch Ups

In the interior, all the walls are plaster. Chipped corners happen every year with normal wear and tear. Typically, every October, I will go around the house and touch up the obvious dings in paint. It makes me feel like I am getting the house ready for the holidays. By putting both wall and trim color paint in mason jars, I am always ready to do a quick touch up here and there.
Sprucing up the Planters

Beautiful flowers are now available for planting so we are taking advantage of the abundant assortment to bring color to the yard. Some of our planters have been deteriorating and crumbling and are in need of replacement.

New geraniums and snapdragons are added to the front planter. Fresh containers of chrysanthemums enhance the fall entry. Whitfill Nursery has a great assortment of flowers and planters, if you are in the market.

Though it takes a bit of effort to get all this done, there is something very rewarding when your property looks clean and sharp. Plus after your houseguests leave, the work is done and you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Happy Tuesday! I cannot wait to share the visit with my four blogging friends tomorrow!

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This post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday #616
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Well all that work paid off, Mary – your home was SO beautiful! I loved everything about our visit, and you are a wonderful host! Plus all your social distance and cleanliness measures made me feel totally safe!
You’ve inspired me to get going on painting my own house now! Thanks so much for the tips and the fabulous visit!
Your home is so very beautiful, and to see it in person was absolutely amazing! You are the most wonderful host, and I’m so grateful to have gotten quality time with you my friend! Sending you big hugs!