Protecting Strawberries

This year I want to grow strawberries and rhubarb and make a fresh pie. Many years ago I did this with good results. But the in-between years there have been more strawberry failures. With a recently acquired batch of strawberry roots from Gurneys, I am determined more than ever. Today’s post is how we are protecting strawberries in my garden.
Since my handy husband is the brains behind the operation, here is his story on protecting our strawberries.

As many of you know, my wife never stops moving. From leading our neighborhood association in its never-ending effort protect the integrity and ambiance of our iconic residential community, to creating new culinary delights, she makes holidays magical, as well as parties with amazing table-scapes and gardening.

I often volunteer to help and enjoy the whirlwind from the periphery. Sometimes I have the opportunity to add value and that is something I truly love. We have a spacious garden near the barn and chicken coop. We also have birds (quail, sparrows and doves) and other critters which have discovered the benefits of healthy eating.

As a result we have become creative in protecting our budding sunflowers, kale and other appetizers for the local fauna. We recently purchased a number of strawberry 🍓 plants and need a way to protect them as they produce runners and hopefully an abundance of fruit.
My wife says: “Maybe we can build an enclosure.” I say: “I’m sure we can.” And so it begins. There are many examples online but I like to draw and think it through and be creative.
My first step is to get the materials, 2X3’s for the base, 1X1’s for the sides and top and wire mesh.

I measure the base on site, and cut the wood and screw it together.

Next, I begin the assembly of the sides and ends. They can be free-standing and then I screw them to the base and to one another. Luckily with the help from a circular saw, clamps, speed squares, tape measure, a drill for pilot holes and another drill to drive in the screws, the work happens quickly.

Once the side pieces are built I need to attach the wire mesh. It’s a welded wire hardware cloth that is smaller, tighter and stronger than chicken wire. No critters allowed. I use diagonal cutting pliers to cut the mesh (one clipped wire at a time) and decide the easiest way to attach it is with construction staples. I try my staple hammer (like the one my Father had) but find a staple gun and a hammer are easier.

It takes some time to build these sides but now they’re finished.

Now I start to attach the sides to the perfectly squared base. That goes pretty quickly.

Once that’s done, I’m on to the top pieces. In order to make this functional, I build two. They attach to a vertically supported, center 2X3” cross piece with hinges that allow each side of the top cover pieces to open and fold flat. This allows for easy access to the plants and soil. I use a wider role of hardware cloth for the top.

I also put eye hooks on the ends to ensure the tops are secure. Once built we carry it to the garden and put it in place over the strawberry plants. With the addition of some wire mesh, the south end between the bottom of the build and the dirt, the enclosure is complete, functional and critter proof.

I find it always fun to build things. Reminds me of the things my Father built when I was growing up on 2+ acres in Colorado and in Wyoming and Connecticut. I feel like he’s here helping me. 😇

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This post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday #634
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This is amazing! I didn’t get any strawberries last year but not because of critters… I think just bad placement. I think I’ll show this idea to my hubby
Please come link to my linky party
Karin, I don’ t know why I am not visiting your link party. I used to do it faithfully. Will get on over there asap. Thanks for the reminder.
What a great idea Scott! I need to do something similar with my raised beds.
Nice job Scott! Maybe when you’re done there, you can come up and be creative in my yard – I only have a few things I need built … ! 🙂
Honestly, it’s lovely, and your lovely wife will have great strawberries for your pies! Thanks for sharing this you two! Take care down there!
Love this! And I especially appreciate the detailed description of how to make it so that I can now turn around and make it myself. Thank you!!
What a great fix for the darn critters. They are cute; but can’t they go to McDonald’s like everyone else? As I was reading, I was laughing to myself picturing some cartoon critter opening up the hook, lifting the top & enjoying a strawberry/rhubarb feast! I too grew up with a dad who could build something from scratch — the right tools for the right job was the lesson I learned when helping him out. My ex was a builder so all I had to say was “do it this way” and it was done. Imagine my surprise when I was out in the dating world again and realized not every man can build something! Thanks for sharing the process and making it all look easy!
I’ve never had a problem with critters and pests until this year. My rhubarb plants have been pecked at and just discovered a quail in the garden beds. We have so much vegetation on our property. I don’t understand why they have to nibble in my garden. Hopefully the strawberry plants will grow. I think I may add some local ones too, just in case. So funny about your dating story~my Dad could build anything and I have fond memories of going to the Lumber yard with him. Definitely a pre-requisite for me!
Wow! I love this. I don’t think that I got any strawberries last year. The birds sure enjoyed them.
Blessings to you.