Room by Room~The Master Bedroom

Last month, I introduced a new series, Room by Room, where I can share a room in our home each month. In April, the Room by Room feature is the Living Room (see post here), and this month, I will focus on the master bedroom.
What I am enjoying about this Room by Room series, is that it gives me the opportunity to really scrutinize each room, what I like about it and what I don’t like (or may change). Since the master bedroom is only used after the end of a long day, I am eyeballing my comfortable bed and not necessarily assessing the elements of the room.
When we restored and remodeled the house in 1999, the only access to the master bedroom was by actually walking through a long and narrow closet. It was a great opportunity to completely revamp the master bedroom, bath and closet footprint to create an oasis just for us.

The Privacy
Currently the entrance to the master suite is at the end of the upstairs hallway through separate French doors. A small foyer showcases a unique piece of art floating from a curved wall. Years ago I wrote about our “quote door” (see post here). This is one of my cherished pieces as it contains our family’s favorite quotes. Illuminated from behind, it is focal point as you enter our master bedroom.
Behind these French doors is access to my art studio, my husband’s office and our master suite.

Here is your first view past the entry doors into our bedroom. This antique sofa is a Round Top, Texas find several years ago. Re-upholstered in a houndstooth print, it is a new look to a very old sofa. To see the before and after, click here.

Overall, the bedroom measures 23 feet by 15 feet. There is a set of doors leading to the master bathroom and French doors with sidelights that open to the second story outdoor terrace.

Where is the television?
Above a chest of drawers is an oil painting of San Gimignano, a medieval village in Tuscany, Italy. Not only have we been there, but the art work rolls up to reveal a television beneath.

To the left of the hidden television, is a charming kidney-shape make-up table and mirror from Horchow. It appears that Horchow no longer carries this, but there are several make up tables at Amazon here. The fabric skirt is custom made and I do have one for winter/fall and spring/summer.

I would love to tell you that I use this table all the time. I like the romantic notion of having a table for glamour, but it seems to be a place where I store my perfume and pretty jars. Because at the end of the day, I’m not a very glamorous person!

Another romantic notion in this room is the crystal decanters on the silver tray on the painted chest of drawers. I can recall on perhaps two fingers where we poured a nightcap from this area! But I do love the shapes of the bottles and the silver tags.

The View
Perhaps one of the best features of this room (besides the bed), is the view. All we can see through the French doors and windows are tree tops. No neighbors, no other homes, just the mature tree canopy of our property. During the cooler months, we leave the doors open and awaken to bird song. Just lovely.

The Bed
In retrospect I am so happy we did purchase a high quality mattress. When you spend 1/3 of your life in bed, a good, supportive bed is important. Ours is a Chattam & Wells and every night I so appreciate this bed.
Quality linens and fine pillows are the icing on the cake. Since I have an ongoing neck issue, making an investment into this pillow system from Pandora de Balthazar is worth every penny.

The actual bed is upholstered in a short sage green velvet. Purchased from European Traditions in Scottsdale, I believe this store has since closed. We add picture frame lights behind our pillows for nighttime reading.

Night Stands
Though I do not like matching bedroom furniture, I did purchase identical Louis XV commodes imported from France (years ago)….back when darker finish was popular. These European cherry night stands are stained walnut and are the perfect height for our rather tall bed.

The Artwork
In addition to the oil painting of San Gimignano, there is a set of vintage botanical prints over the sofa.

I am not sure this piece is even my style anymore, but I do consider it a piece of art. Hand painted many years ago by a local artist, this commode goes extremely well with the painting above it.

Lydia and her sparrow is one of my favorite paintings.

Like the living room, the hardwood flooring is Canadian Beech. A richly colored silk Oriental rug measuring 10′ x 12′ anchors the sleeping area.

What I Love or Would Change
The master bedroom space is perfect. With a southern and western exposure, we do not need any curtains on the windows/doors. No one can see in from the outside. The room feels spacious and welcoming.

However, in writing this post, I would probably use more subdued colors. The duvet cover doesn’t really go with the rest of the room, but I like its soft colors. Some of the furniture seems dark to me, but perhaps not enough to replace it.
There are areas that we don’t use much~the vanity, the television and the sofa, but those pieces do fill the space. I’m not unhappy enough with it to change it. However, the master bath DOES need to be completely re-done and maybe that will inspire me to re-think the master bedroom.
I hope you enjoy this segment of Room by Room. Happy Tuesday, my sweet friends!

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This post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday #643
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What a beautiful tour. Your home is amazing!
Rachel, thank you! Even though we have different styles I think your farmhouse home is amazing too!
Absolutely Gorgeous, and the room feels very
Comfortable and inviting. I could relax easily in your master bedroom because the colors you have used are conducive to relaxation.
I have been to San Gimignano and it is truly magical.
That painting to hide the TV is so clever. I would just love that painting & frame on my wall. You can view that painting and remember your trip.
I agree, keep it as it is.. Perfect!
Patricia, thank you so much for your kind and generous comments!
Love your bedroom….and wouldn’t change anything.
Thank you for sharing your home and beautiful property with all.
Can you share more about the quotes picture?
Va, there is a separate post that is devoted to the quotes door…I thought I included the link in the post. If not, here it is:
I SO love the peeks into your gorgeous home! Your master bedroom is wonderful, and I’m going to check out the European sleep system now – it looks and sounds perfect!
So nice to visit your lovely house – in person or virtually! 🙂 Happy Tuesday to you my friend!
Barbara, I am so glad you like my Room by Room series. So glad we were able to share time here!
I feel so lucky to have seen this in person and I LOVE love love that artwork of quotes. Thank you for sharing your lovely home with us. Hugs friend.
Chas, we will need to gather here again….maybe up in the mountains next time.! Such a great time!
Lovely, Lovely, Lovely!! franki
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Oh my, Mary, your bedroom is so luxurious! It does seem like a fancy european hotel room! It is almost as if I can see the Mediterranean just beyond the trees from your balcony! I am so enjoying touring your home ‘room by room’!
Chloe, oh wouldn’t that be nice IF the Mediterranean was just beyond the trees!!! Thank you for your wonderful comment.
I love your bedroom. I don’t think it is too fancy at all. In fact, I think it is perfect , I absolutely love your sofa. I never would have thought of hounstooth, but it brings down the formality. And your commode is stunning. Please don’t change a thing! Oh yeah, what a view!
Ellen, thank you so much for your vote of confidence!
Mary, your bedroom is absolutely stunning! I love every gorgeous detail. Your home is my dream come true.
Blessings to you.
Renae, thank you so much, my friend!
[email protected]
I think this room is beautiful, reminds me of the palaces in Europe, but, it is not something I would be comfortable in. TOO fancy!