Saturday Meanderings
Happy last Saturday of May! Wait, what? That’s right another month just shushing by..unbelievable. Thank you for joining me on this Memorial Day Saturday Meanderings weekend to chat about all good things this week. I hope this post finds you happy, healthy and full of vim and vigor. What is vim, by the way? It mean high energy and great enthusiasm. Who knew?
A First Time for Everything

While up at our cabin in the mountains, our friends, Mitch and Tevia invite us to go ATV-ing. Honestly, I have never done this before! The day’s weather just happened to be perfect~blue skies and puffy white clouds. There are multiple trails through the forest and we travel to places I have not seen before

One stop is at the Springer Mountain Fire Lookout Tower at the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. We climb to the top of the 40 foot tower and meet Janie Croxen Ringleberg, a US Forest Service employee who has been watching for fires for 31 years. Her 11′ x 11′ space is filled with maps, radios, binoculars and photographs.

Janie shares her history with us and explains how she is able to assess and know the attributes of fire origins. She works in this tower full time Monday-Friday all by herself. Truly amazing.
Cabin Projects
Remember last year when the brand new roof we purchased for the cabin had a massive water leak in our entry?

To make matters worse, the ceiling is wood and the leak caused severe staining. In an attempt to just replace a few of the panels, we hired someone to replace and try to stain match the non-damaged ceiling. The side walls need new plaster work and the entire project has taken forever.
This week is the first time I have seen the repair work. Unfortunately, the replacement ceiling panels are stained a completely different color from the rest of the ceiling. The question is should we just replace the entire ceiling, or try to stain the balance of the ceiling to match the new wood?
Unwilling to have this torn up yet again, I volunteer to try and see if I can try and blend the two ceiling colors to a point where it is more acceptable.

What was I thinking?!? Here is a picture where I stain a few of the existing boards to match the new, darker color of the replacement panels. It takes me a few days of grueling overhead work with a watery stain, but I am finally a bit happier with the results.

Finally, after several months, the front entry is back together and hopefully the repaired roof will not leak again. I’m not sure my arms and shoulders will ever be the same!
Bargains of the Week

Check out this pretty blue and white melamine tray I find at Big Lots. Priced at $12.99, it is also on sale (at the register) for $9.74. You can find it here on the Big Lots website. They also have really cute matching plates and bowls, very affordable and on sale too.
Sundance Catalog is having a great sale in their Outlet shop..up to 40%. Occasionally I will browse their website and find a really good buy.
This cute eyelet embroidered blouse was $128.00, marked down to $39.99 and now on sale for $23.99.

Scalloped, eyelet hem with gathered cuffs and tasseled tie give this tiered, peasant-style dress a touch of timeless romance. $148.00 down to $29.99 and then on sale again for $17.99!

I just ordered these two items so I will let you know if I like them. Not sure how long the sale will last, but you may want to check it out here. I don’t get any kind of commission if you buy something~just enjoy sharing a good sale when I find one.
Need Your Design Feedback
As we open up the cabin for summer use, we are uncovering outdoor furniture, sweeping the decks and fixing all things broken. On our back deck, we have two entertaining venues in the same space~ one for sitting and one for dining.
Here is the back deck area:

The seating side’s color scheme is mostly red, neutral rug with some navy accents. The primitive pine dining table has grey/white French bistro chairs. Since we have a leftover outdoor rug I place it under the table.

I do like how the table, rug and chairs is visually cohesive.

However, I am not sure I am fond of the entire space. It feels disjointed to me to have a red/blue/neutral palette next to this gray/gold/white one.

What do you think? It’s hard to tell by the photos but I would appreciate your design feedback. Should I live with it? Change out the red cushions to another color? Paint the metal furniture an anodized bronze? Find different pillows? Help!
Garden Harvesting

As the weather gets warmer, my garden will soon go fallow for the summer. But right now, I am picking Black Krim tomatoes (which are so delicious) and Japanese eggplant. The San Marzano tomatoes are still green and hoping for a plentiful batch for sauce.
Artichokes are flowering. We had such an abundant crop this year, I am leaving the last few on the plant to bloom. Will cut them and dry them for a future wreath?

Just yesterday, I picked 4 very large sweet figs from our tree.

The heat has caused all the lettuces to bolt, but the chickens are enjoying them as afternoon snacks. I still have tomatillos, peppers, and kale producing.
Summer Reading List

I am getting ready to compile a new summer reading list so if anyone has great book recommendations please let me know. My friend, Cindy, is reading In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson and seems to like it. The only other Erik Larsen book I read (and really enjoyed) is Devil in the White City back in 2004. My summer reading tends to be light and joyful, without any heavy or demanding topics. Please share your favorites.

I know Memorial Day is the unofficial start to summer, as most schools are finally finished with classes. But let’s not forget the true meaning of Memorial Day. Wishing you a weekend of loving moments with family and friends as we give thanks, gratitude and honor to the military members who died while serving in the U.S. Forces.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
Another wonderful post Mary! You did a beautiful job on the ceiling – I’m always so inspired by your projects. Thanks for sharing it all, and hope you have a lovely week, my friend!
Barbara, I think I’m getting too old for these physically challenging projects! Had to finally see someone yesterday to try and work out all the knots and kinks in my neck! But I am happy with the ceiling and the fact that we are getting so many long overdue projects done!Happy weekend, sweet friend.
Mary, your cabin porch looks beautiful, I love the rug. And that dress, I might just have to try it.
Love your ceiling. You did a great job!! It behoves me why anyone repairing a ceiling would paint/stain it a different color. Doesn’t make sense.♀️ Change the rug under seating area. Change out pillows to yellow and blue. Place a big vase of beautiful faux sunflowers on table. Just left the North Ga mountains after 16 years full time. Moved to Fl to be close to family after hubby passed.
Beverly, I’m beginning to think the person that did the ceiling may have been color blind? So sorry to hear about your husband. Hopefully your move to Florida will be filled with new adventures and lots of support from your family. One of my dear friends lives in Celebration so I try and travel to see her as often as possible. Thanks for the design tips too!
Hi Mary: In regards to your patio area might I suggest that you work with this. Fun yellow/gold pillows on the red cushions and a pot of sunflowers on the coffee table and on the dining maybe a red painted bucket with flowers would do the trick. Both the read and the yellow are very complimentary to each other and you just need to bring the two spaces together. It will be great.
Shelley, love the red painted bucket idea and I did find some yellow/gold fabric for pillows too. Can’t wait to experiment with it on my next trip up. Such great ideas!
Your cabin looks delightful! I love the porch table. Having multiple properties is challenging! It’s amazing how much work it is to keep everything clean and working properly. I hope you are having a good weekend.
Rachel, you are right about having multiple properties as there seems to be something that needs repair or fixing. But I’m not complaining as we are so lucky to have a place to escape the heat…and I hope it’s keeping us young. Have a beautiful weekend and I am always looking forward to all your amazing projects and posts.
I love the gray, gold, white dining area. The chairs are perfect with the rug and the gold picks up the wood tones of the table and deck. I also love the red and blue seating combo…just not loving the two together, side by side.
I would do what’s most cost effective, One of the rugs needs to be switched out. The table and chairs would look good even without a rug or maybe you have another blue one. Bringing some more red over to the dining area (as others have mentioned) would tie the two together.
Indoor-outdoor rugs are very inexpensive. Swapping out the blue rug for a quiet gray pattern under the red cushioned furniture, and changing the throw pillows to bring in more gray, and maybe even a touch of yellow gold to pull both areas together are another option.
Whatever you do Mary, your good taste will shine through. Please post a photo if you do switch things up. I so enjoy Saturday Meanderings!
Pat, thank you so much for all your decorating ideas. I am so lucky to have such talented subscribers!!! I didn’t have alot of time to implement these ideas and look forward to doing more on my next trip there. Have a beautiful weekend and I love all your suggestions.
What a job that you took on with that ceiling, but it does look so much better! That artichoke flower is so beautiful! I hope you are enjoying your time up at the cabin. Speaking of…I would change out the red cushions to make the space seem more unified.
Chloe, I was thinking about making some slip covers for the red cushions. I will probably keep them red through the patriotic holidays but for the balance of the year, another color might be best. Thanks for the reminder about the artichoke flowers. I hope to cut them this weekend for a possible fall wreath in the future.
The dining table, chairs and rug look smashing together, very sophisticated. I would choose to add red/grey pillows leaving the red furniture and removing all navy. A Cream would lovely in the fabric mix.
Well done on the staining. Sometimes only WE can make it better.
Diana, I love your ideas. I, too, really like the dining area and how it all works together. It will take a little effort and creativity to make both areas work together. Thank you!!!
I knew that neighbor would get you sooner or later. Hope you enjoyed your ride.
Debra, we have the best neighbors!!!! Lucky us.
That is a beautiful area. I think to carry red over to the table and side table is a simple and cost effective way to bring areas together. Long runner, center arrangement, maybe short heavy red candles in clear glass containers on table. Like the idea of tall art poster over the side table also. Love the bistro
chairs.. Great job on staining that ceiling.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Virginia, thank you for all your great ideas. I am so looking forward to playing with this during my next trip up to the cabin.
Thanks for the tips about Sundance outlet, couldn’t help but order a couple of things.
As far as the room design, I always look for the most economical way to change it up and I think I would place something red on the dining table (runner, flowers?) and also the console table behind the dining table to blend, maybe even a framed wall print the includes colors from both sides of the room. Also, I would pull the pillow off the chair in the lounging area (except for the holiday, of course) and find a pillow print that also would include both color schemes.
Susan, thanks for the tips. I generally add a centerpiece to the table. Just took the photo after cleaning the area so it’s missing those touches. And I agree about the flag pillow…It is only there for Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. Never thought to put up art but that’s an EXCELLENT idea! Happy weekend!
I think it is the red cushions that is throwing everything off. Maybe gray or more neutral.
Linda, yes, I agree and thought about maybe just slipcovering them. I like being able to have different color options. Plus I will decorate the area above and around the table for Memorial Day so maybe the reds will work better then. Thanks for your feedback.
Don’t put rug under table. Put red, white, and blue accessories on table and lamp table. I wouldn’t paint furniture.
Nancy, thanks for your feedback! I do need to decorate as I took the photo right after we cleaned everything. Have a beautiful weekend.