Saturday Meanderings
I hope you had the chance to see the post about our successful Holiday Styling Workshop. As you an imagine, I am still putting away, cleaning up and happily reliving all the wonderful memories we created during this workshop. With hopes of having a relaxing week, it really has been the opposite, but trust my light calendar next week will get some overdue “me” time. It’s Saturday Meanderings time where we chat about all good things this week. So happy you are here joining me today.

A Haircut, Finally!
Recently I showed you a picture of a potential future haircut. Well, I finally made the time to get my locks trimmed and here’s the result.

All the credit goes to Roscoe Nichols (at Pucci Salon) ~truly the best hair guy in town. My relationship with Roscoe is longer than my husband of nearly 30 years. He never disappoints!
Such a Pretty Time in the Yard
It always takes a few months to get the property back into shape after the brutal summer months. We are rounding the bend as the flowers are bursting with color and all the plants and trees are enjoying the fall temperatures.

Finn Goes to Training School
My husband and I are attending Top Dog training school with Finn. We probably need it more than our sweet boy! As soon as my husband put on his harness, Finn knew something was up. He quickly headed to the corner of the front yard and tried to hide in the ground cover. Little did he know that it’s hard to hide his 107 lb. dog body.

Annual Turkey Drive
Our volunteer neighborhood association receives cash donations from our residents each year for the Annual Turkey Drive. My sweet board member, Jay and I go and purchase 40 to 50 turkeys and drive them to our local police precinct, for donation to our local food bank (St. Mary’s).

Jay is in his 80s, works out every day at the Y and is the first to raise his hand to participate in this wonderful event. Still working full time, Jay is an inspiration (and yes, ladies he is single!). Today, Jay and I will be buying lots of turkeys and this is one of my favorite things to do during the holiday season.
Donovan Update
I was asked to share an update on Donovan. Finn hasn’t quite learned how to be a good playmate, as Donovan’s tail is just another attractive chew toy to him. Thank goodness the cat is quick!

However, Donovan isn’t your typical cat as he is very social and has a rather calm demeanor. Often, I find him sitting on the kitchen chair just staring at me when I’m cooking or baking. He is now 10 years old and a wonderful companion.
Frozen Geraniums
As you know, we transport our large tubs of geraniums up to our mountain cabin in the summer and back down to Phoenix over the winter. We have been doing this for years. Well, this fall we did not transport our geraniums back in time and they suffered during a major snow storm. My husband brought the dead looking plants back to Phoenix.

I’ve been dragging my feet on ripping out the old plants and buying new geraniums….and I’m glad I waited. Look at the new growth that is currently happening on all the geranium plants.

I’m not sure when (or if) I should be cutting off all the dead parts, or wait until it leafs out more? Any advice from geranium experts would be greatly appreciated!
Documentary on Martha Stewart
I have never been someone who idolizes celebrities but there are a few people who I feel have had an impact on me when I was younger. In the early 1980s, I was living in Darien, Connecticut and I took a cooking class from Martha Stewart at Hay Day Market. Martha was living a short distance away in Westport, CT and had just published her first book, Entertaining.

Naturally, I stayed after class to chat with her and she gave me the leftover pasta dough from that evening’s recipe, Red Pepper Ravioli with Montrachet Filling. Yes, I was a little giddy. Since then, I am a fan and have learned so much from many of her books. I still have all the recipes from that cooking class.

Fast forward 42 years, my copy of Entertaining is falling apart but is kept together with food stains spilled from all those dishes I made from this book (best banana bread recipe)! That book and my cooking class from Martha, set me on a trajectory of trying new recipes, staging food in a beautiful way and entertaining with flair.

The documentary, Martha is now showing on Netflix. Have you seen it? Personally, I am impressed that Martha has reinvented herself to be relevant in today’s world. She is truly the original influencer.
Mary’s Must Haves
Too much time has passed since I posted my favorite things!
Since our temperature has significantly dropped here (38 degrees in the early morning), I swear by this microwaveable blanket (size 44″ x 18″) filled with lavender and flaxseeds. Just before bed, I pop it in the microwave and heat for 3 minutes. Then, I place it between the sheets while I go off and get ready for bed. It is so nice to slide into warm sheets and you can either lay on the blanket or put it on top of you. Since it is slightly weighted, it feels like a warm hug before bed. Cover is removable and washable.
Every afternoon I am enjoying a cup of hot tea and just LOVE this 3.75″ loose leaf tea strainer. Not only does it fit a coffee-size/style cup, but also a tea pot. Priced at $10.99 on Amazon.

It’s dishwasher safe, and if you need a larger diameter, it also comes in a 5″ width.
I cannot tell you how many times I use this attractive beverage dispenser. With the holidays coming, I will fill it with water (and fruits/herbs) instead of having plastic water bottles. Mine holds 1.85 gallons and the style is Georgetown by Godinger (originally purchased at Costco years ago). Here is a similar one on Amazon, slightly smaller (holding 1 gallon) also made by Godinger. It is currently 24% off at $53.00.
Having a 114 year old home, when it’s cold outside, it is drafty inside. As I age, my hands and feet seem to get chilly first. Since I use (really overuse) my hands, I find that they get stiff or ache easily. And in the winter, my skin is oh, so dry.
The microwaveable hand warmers are ideal for many issues ranging from arthritis to dry skin. I often put a good hand moisturizer on and warm these babies up. I know that I do not take care of my hands as often as I should, but using these hand warmers is a spa day for them. Currently, 14% off at $24.99 on Amazon.
Well, that’s a wrap! If you missed the overview of the Holiday Styling Workshop, you can see it here. I hope you have relaxing plans for the weekend. Stay safe out there!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
It looks like you are living your best life! So fun to read Saturday Meanderings. Love the haircut! Hugs, Cynthia
Cynthia, thanks for commenting. Love seeing the pics of your growing boys on IG.
Not the Geraniums!! I hope they pull through!! I LOVE my lavender blanket. I just used it the other day. Hope you can enjoy a quiet week ahead!
Tevia, yes, my gorgeous geraniums! I am hoping they bounce back stronger than ever. I am so happy you love your lavender blanket. So helpful in chasing away the evening bed chills and comforting too.
Mrs. Mary, I knew that cut would look great on you! Makes me want to cut my hair shorter. Sorry to hear about your geraniums, hopefully they will continue to recover. Made me laugh when I saw Finn “hiding”. Keep us updated on the training progress. My husband and brother are Veterans also (both Army). Happy Veterans Day to your husband as well.
Crystal, since my hair is straight and thin, shorter is better for me. Not sure what happened to all that hair I had back in the day when it was almost down to my waist! Patiently waiting for the geraniums to recuperate…keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you for the Veteran’s day wishes. I love all who are serving and have served.
Thank you for your service for doing the free turkey buying.
Your hiding Finn pic is adorable and I looove Maine Coon kitties. They’re so agreeable.
You attended a Martha class back when in Connecticut? What fun. My sisters both lived in Connecticut back then. Years ago my younger sister worked in an ad agency and Martha used them early on when she was just getting started. I always thought that was cool. She truly was the very first influencer.
Michele, Yes, I lived in Connecticut. Was born and raised in Norwich, but lived in Darien and worked in Stamford later on in life. Do your sisters still live there? How fun to do early ad agency work with Martha. It’s fun to take a trip down memory lane~so many popped up after watching the documentary.
You and your hair look lovely, you could easily pass for 30! Love your blog, think I’ve fixed about everything you’ve suggested with great success.
Thanks a bunch!
Thanks for the update on Donovan. He looks so handsome and has so much character in his beautiful coat. I’m a bit prejudice since my Buddy could be his twin. Hope Finn settles down a bit and they can become great friends. How did his Dog Training school go?
I love your orange-colored Coleus. So very pretty!!
Thank you for your Happy Veteran’s Day sentiment. I served in the United States Air Force, and I must say it was one of the best times of my life with some of the best, patriotic people I’ve ever known.
Valerie, first of all, thank you for your service! Veterans are near and dear to my heart. My late husband served in the Coast Guard and our military life was so incredible. My current husband is former Air Force and many of our friends have served their country too. Send me a picture of Buddy ([email protected])! The dog training class was 99% training us and 1% training Finn. Over time those percentages will change but it’s a bit like parenting….it’s the parents who determine the child’s outcome…We are going once a week and now the focus is on simple commands. Thanks for asking.
Mary…I always enjoy your favorite things and have purchased the lavender mitts and blanket for gifts as well as for myself. Would love to see more! Finn seems like such a joy and the photos always make me smile. Bummer about the geraniums…they were so beautiful! I always look forward to your Saturday Meanderings well as all your posts. Thank you for sharing so many fun and useful tips to your readers.
Melody, I am hoping the little growth on the geraniums will be as abundant as they were pre-freeze. I think I’ve had the same geranium plants for 10-15 years. I hope you love the purchases…the blanket is a night-time ritual all winter here. Tomorrow (after my busy day today), I will pamper my hands with the mitts. Sending big hugs to you and Sam.
Adore the coiff!!! Excellent choice!
Enjoyed the Post (sorry about the geraniums…) franki
Franki, thank you! It always feels good to get a haircut! Yes, hoping the geraniums come to life again as I’ve had these plants forever!