Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday! Every time I type this I feel like each and every week is just flying by so quickly. It’s been another busy week and currently we have a house filled with guests. Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee or tea and let’s chat about the week.
Some of my favorites
Even though I am always looking for ways to get off the computer and mobile phone, I am always inspired by these blog sites.
Cheap Old Houses

If you love renovation or want to move somewhere more affordable, Cheap Old Houses is a fun site. Called Instagram’s most addictive rabbit hole this website shows affordable homes all around the country and world.

I do sometime fantasize about purchasing a historical villa in Italy and restoring it. Cheap Old Houses is free to view. To get Cheap Old Houses Abroad is a $6.00 per month, but worthy entertainment!
The Glam Pad

Just the opposite of Cheap Old Houses is The Glam Pad. Andrea is a firm believer in timeless classic style with a generous dose of English sensibility, Southern charm, Old Hollywood glamour, and Palm Beach whimsy! According to Andrea’s website, “I am passionate about historic preservation, antiques, and old-fashioned traditions such as needlepoint, tea, and handwritten letters.” A person after my own heart. If you are looking for beautiful photos and design inspiration, check out The Glam Pad.
Getting Ready for Guests

As I mentioned earlier this week, my son is home with 6 of his friends. They plan to explore Arizona and Utah next week in camping vehicles. We get to have them for the weekend before and after~which, of course, is just delightful.

Lots of beds = lots of clean linens. There is nothing better than freshly washed sheets drying outside on the clothes line. I wish I could bottle that smell. This is also a good time for me to check the condition of towels and pillows and replace if necessary. In a later post, I will share what I do to prepare for house guests.
New Things Coming

I am excited to join a group of other like minded bloggers who love gardening. Starting in May we will have a monthly blog hop talking about our gardens.

What will make it interesting is that we are all located in different parts of the country and growing zones, so where I may be harvesting, others are just sowing seeds.

If you aren’t familiar with my sweet blogging friends, I recommend you check them out. Kim from Shiplap and Shells, Stacy from Bricks ‘n Blooms and Chas from Chas Crazy Creations. More to come!
Barbecue Tile

Last Spring, we added tile to the back of the grill area (see post here). Prior to tile, we had plaster and I shudder to think how skanky and dirty it became over the years. Last night we grilled steaks and here is what the tile looks like after one meal. The photo doesn’t represent how dirty the tile is, but trust me, it looks filthy.

Krud Kutter did such a good job cleaning the kitchen cooking area (see post here) so I decide to try it on the very greasy and dirty tile. Again, the minute I spray this concentrated cleaner/degreaser on the tile, you can smell it working.

The grease melts away easily. The most difficult part is getting my butt up there to do this!

And here is how the tile looks after using Krud Kutter. I cannot recommend this product enough. Here is a link to this non-toxic, biodegradable product.
Do You Knit?
When my girls were younger, we took a knitting lesson. Well, I haven’t really stuck with it, but my daughter, Julianna, knits……beautifully. Now after seeing her latest project, I am inspired to start knitting again. Unfortunately, I just know how to knit and purl….nothing fancy and often with dropped stitches.

Check out this amazing blanket she is currently making with a garter, stockinette, and diagonal basketweave stitch.

Even the back side is attractive.

She is approximately half way through making this blanket. Perfect for her to do while you are using a head set and working virtually.
Please let me know if you knit or crochet. I’ve never done crochet before but I am thinking about taking up something to do at night while watching television.
That wraps up another Saturday Meanderings. Enjoy your weekend and hopefully there won’t be any more snow back east! So crazy as we are in the 70s-80s here.

If you missed any posts this week, check out my birthday trip to Castle Hot Springs here and all about Raising Chickens here.
Also, if you like this post, please pin on Pinterest.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
How great to see some knitting! I learned to knit when I was a young girl. Can crochet as well! Secret revealed…my mother owned a yarn/needlework shop! I enjoy both but crocheting goes much faster to the rewards are instant in an old-world sorta way.
Holly, how fun that your mom owned a yarn/needlework shop! I love just exploring those wishing I had knitting talents. Maybe I need to check out crocheting…
Love the patio rug
So many fun things this week.
You are so very sweet Mary, thank you so much for the shout out! I know you’re having a ton of fun with all the boys. Thank you so much for sarhing.