Saturday Meanderings
January is coming to an end….wow. But instead of this month feeling like a blur, my month, surprisingly, is more intentional and productive. I am beginning to think that the key to slowing down life is to being more deliberate each and every day. How did your January pan out? Nonetheless, it’s the weekend and time for Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things.
Our Anniversary
Last Saturday we celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary~where did the time go? We didn’t do anything special or out of the ordinary, but I did receive a beautiful bouquet of red roses. Here’s a picture of our wedding day in January 1995.

Wrapping up our 28 day reset
For the last 28 days (Sunday will be the 28th day), we have been doing the Fast Metabolism Diet. I plan to weigh myself tomorrow, but I believe I’ve become a bit leaner. With no caffeine, no alcohol, no sugar, no dairy, no wheat, no soy and no cheating, the reset is nearly complete. We did love the recipes in this book and will continue to make them.

However, I do want my cup of coffee in the morning and look forward to that on Monday. Other than an occasional cocktail, I am surprised how I didn’t really miss anything else. My husband would like to do it for another 28 days. I’m not so sure about that!
If you are looking to make a diet change, and can eat within 30 minutes of waking, and have 3 meals a day and two snacks, I highly recommend this 28 day reset.
Lower Heart Rate

The Health app on my phone recently sent me a notification about my resting heart rate. On average, my resting heart rate is 7 beats lower per minute than before. I am not sure if that is due to the 28 day reset program or my goal of slow and intentional living. Regardless, I will take it. My resting heart rate has always been around 72 beats per minute, not 77. What a nice update to receive!
Updating my Christmas card list

Do you send Christmas cards? We do every year with a family letter. I like documenting where everyone is in life, because over time, I forget some of the details. At the end of the holiday season, I take our received Christmas cards and try to update addresses, name changes (weddings) or deaths.
Well, I haven’t done this for the last 3 years and this week, I finally went through all the Christmas cards and updated our mailing list. Doesn’t seem like a big deal, but being able to discard 3 years worth of Christmas cards did feel like an accomplishment. Fortunately, I keep a digital address list through the resource we purchase our cards (Minted) and can make changes anytime.
Thinking Ahead to Spring

This week I received my flower seeds from Floret Farms. We are still in danger of frost (below freezing this week) until the end of February. But already, I am planning my garden and looking forward to a successful planting season soon.
Two years ago, I had great success with their sunflowers.

Not only are they stunning to have in the garden, but the sunflowers attract peach faced lovebirds (lots of them).

Needless to say, but I am looking forward to having these huge happy flowers in my garden this year.
Projects This Week
~Master Closet
Slow and steady… I am getting things done around here. Three years ago I shared a post about cleaning the Master Closet. Boy, back then it was in a very cluttered state. Fast forward to 2023 and the master closet is slightly messy but not nearly as bad as it was in 2020.

The shelves need wiping down; blouses and shirts could use adjusting on the hangers; some shoes require cleaning and time to thin out clothing, suitcases and bags.
Using Clorox disinfectant wipes, all dirt is removed from heels and shoe sets are lined up by heel size. It’s surprising how little cleaning projects like this make such a big difference.
~Cedar Closet

Not sure I’ve ever shown our cedar closet but it is a small room off of the master closet. I will do a future blog post on how I organized all the pillows, linens and stuff filling this closet.
~ Planting Tulip Bulbs

After refrigerating the tulip bulbs from Longfield Gardens since October, it is time to plant them here in Phoenix. Sixty holes (my hands hurt!) and these precious bulbs are set into the ground. They are already sprouting so I have high hopes for apricot tulips in the spring.

Thrifting Finds and other Goodies
In my attempts this year to really watch finances, I am not someone who does alot of shopping. However, this week a friend of mine is helping another friend downsize and move. In our conversation she mentions silver pieces and old furniture that will go to donation and my ears perk up.
Though the pieces need some work and love, I find these two particularly unusual. One is a chair which looks like a normal chair…

Until you flip the top of the chair back and it becomes prayer chair. Obviously this piece needs refinishing and reupholstering, but isn’t it fabulous?

Look at this sweet desk! Again, it needs repair but the inlaid details, the leather top and the side drawers are spectacular touches.

I cannot wait to work on this and bring it back to life. Quite honestly, I have never seen a desk like this but it feels European.
Goodbye Shiplap, Hello Dark Woods

You know, if you wait long enough, everything comes back in style. According to Pure Wow, traditional touches and dark woods are all the rage this year. It is called Historic Heritage. The article is interesting and worth reading. You can find it here. Maybe I am finally back in style?!?
If you missed my Tuesday post, I share my favorite lemon recipes. You can see it here.

Do you know that over time I have written 18 posts on Valentine’s Day? Next week I hope to consolidate those into what I think are the best ideas for the upcoming holiday. As a last minute decision, we will be having our formal Valentine’s Day dinner party so my mind is swirling with all sorts of ideas.

Happy Saturday, friends! That’s another wrap for Saturday Meanderings. I know I am getting close to the 100th version of this Saturday post and will be having a few giveaways to celebrate. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay safe out there.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
I love that you had such an intentional January, Mary. We’ve been working really hard to slow down this year in every possible way. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you take time to plan out your priorities. Congratulations on your anniversary! I love the picture you shared and I can’t wait to see all the fun things coming to your garden. It looks like such a special place. Hope your week has been filled with all good things, CoCo
CoCo, thank you so much for your sweet comments. I love your blog so I am delighted that you have peeked in on mine!
CoCo, today is the day I start working on my Valentine table for our dinner party on Saturday evening. I ordered WAY too many flowers, but can you really have too many? If nothing else, there will be numerous bouquets around the house. Thank you for commenting and have a beautiful weekend.
Haha – yes, I love it when what I like is back in style! Take it while we can! I LOVE your wedding picture – you are still just as beautiful. And your dress is stunning! Thanks for another week of wonderfulness my friend!
Barbara, thank you so much for your wonderful comments. Missed you this week!
The Davenport desk was easily recognized by me as I saw those numerous times when the American base in Italy would have European vendors come in to do weekend shows. This was in the early 2000s. The wood is beautiful and sturdy. Enjoy the desk! Have a wonderful Valentine’s dinner party.
M, I’ve never seen a Davenport desk and was delighted to get it. I bet those European vendors had many treasures!What an experience that must have been!
Loved the wedding pic…you look exactly the same to me’ beautiful inside and out.
Fabulous finds of the desk and prayer chair. I wish I could have a prayer chair as I can not get down on my knee replacement knee….I go out on my deck and lift my prayers to the heavens.
I think will try the red sunflowers — your pics were beautiful.
Virginia, I have never seen this style of prayer chair. I have a prayer kneeler bench (that needs some upholstery too) so I better up my praying! Lifting your prayers to heaven from your deck actually sounds rather marvelous. Yes, those sunflowers were so impressive and I know you will enjoy the red one.
Congratulations on your anniversary Mary. You were a very beautiful bride. I grew the same red sunflowers last year and will again this year. I absolutely loved them. I’m so proud of you for being so healthy this month. I know you will enjoy that cup of coffee. Have a great week ahead my friend.
Kim, it makes me happy that we are growing the same red sunflower! How cool is that? Have a wonderful week too!
Beautiful wedding picture! You look the same age now! What is your secret?? We celebrated 49 yrs December. Where has the time gone??? I liked the Pow Wow article. I’m glad I like old stuff or what I like…not trendy. I love a mix. Your desk and chair is awesome. I want a Prayer Bench but only seen 1 and it was years ago travelling. I regret I didn’t purchase.
Nancy, I haven’t seen many prayer chairs or kneelers.. I did have a gorgeous one but sold it (what was I thinking). I have another prayer kneeler (I need to share a picture) that needs a new cushion too. One of these weeks I will focus on all my prayer furniture!
Happy Anniversary Mary! That desk is amazing and I look forward to seeing what you do with it. Have the best weekend.
Rachel, thank you and have a happy week!
Always such a fabulous post, LOVED your wedding photo, such a lovely couple!
Been working my way through the recipes as I got a few lemons in Tucson.
Thinking of doing the 28 day reset, though know my husband would never agree and I would be on my own, so much better when you have the support.
Sometimes I get tired thinking of all the work you do, then remember I do the same, (not to the same degree, just at different months of the year, (I’m in my resting state for another couple of months.
Love your blog! Thanks for doing this!
Bev, you make a good point about restful stages during the year. Now is our active time, because the weather is so nice here. The summer is when I slow down or when we travel, due to the excessive heat. Glad you are trying the lemons recipes. Let me know if you like them.
Miss Mary!
Love that wedding picture. You glow!
The desk is called a davonport. I messaged the info to you. That is a great find!
Your Saturday Meanderings are always a treat.
Janie, thank you! Yes, I received all the Davenport info-you are such a wealth of information!
Love your lemon recipes. They all look so delicious! You inspired me to try the fast metabolism for 28 days! I’m not hungry so I like that. It’s totally different from the way I have been eating. I think she’s right you have to keep your body confused.
Your wedding dress was so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Andrea, let me know how you like the 28 day reset. We are doing it again (me, sort of) in February. If nothing else, we are eating much healthier, which is a good thing. Also, let me know if you try any of the lemon recipes!
Mary, your wedding picture is so beautiful and sweet! Also, I think I will look into that 28 day reset. It sounds great. I just love your cedar closet. Oh, how I wish I had one of those. Happy Saturday!
Pam, Thank you so much…hard to believe that was 28 years ago! I don’t feel much older, only look so! Happy Saturday, dear friend.