Hand Care 101: Tips for Strong, Healthy and Beautiful Hands
Our hands are essential to what we do every day. They are the most valuable tool you have whether you are at work, home or play. There is nothing close to replacing your hands usefulness and adaptability. We use our hands for everything~from holding a baby, wiping tears, eating and drinking, and countless other ways. This month’s Self Care focus in on the importance of our hands, which I often take for granted.

Hand Strength
Different hand tasks use a different combination of movements of the fingers and wrist, so that the coordination and strength requirements differ from task to task.
Because the coordination, grasp and manipulation patterns and the strength requirements are specific to the particular hand task, the most effective way to improve hand function is to base exercises on everyday hand tasks. This approach is referred to as functional strength training or task oriented training.
Muscles become stronger when they are made to work harder than usual. This is known as the overload principle. In functional strength training the overload principle is applied by adapting the task to increase the resistance the muscles need to overcome, as well as amount of work done by increasing the number of repetitions or rate of work.
I’ve noticed that with age, my hands do not seem as strong, particularly the twisting of a lid motion. In recently researching this, I discovered The 10 Repetitions to Fatigue rule.Muscles get stronger when they are made to work against a load that is at least 60-80 % of their maximum capacity. If a group of muscles can do an activity against a load just 10-12 times before they are tired, then you know that the load is good for increasing strength. This is the 10 Repetitions to Fatigue rule.

I am just starting to work on improving my grip strength with a stress ball (you can also use a tennis ball).
How to Do It: Hold a tennis ball or soft foam stress ball (like these) in the middle of your hand using your four fingers (not the thumb). Clench your fingers into the ball and then release. Do these hand clenches 50-100 times per day to improve grip strength.
Depending on the area of your hand you want to improve, there is a great deal of information on the internet to help improve that particular weak part of your hand.
Protecting Your Hands

Hands have a very delicate and complex structure. This gives muscles and joints in the hand a great range of movement and precision. Thanks to this structure, you can do a wide range of things with your hands, such as grip objects tightly and lift heavy weights, as well as guide a fine thread through the tiny eye of a needle.

Hands are also quite vulnerable, though. Tendons, nerve fibers, blood vessels and fairly thin bones are all positioned right under the skin and are only protected by a thin layer of muscle and fat. Only the palm is protected by a strong pad of tendons (aponeurosis), enabling a powerful grip.
Our hands are put through quite a lot every day, and often come into contact with potentially harmful objects. As a result, hand injuries and problems due to wear and tear are very common.
Over the summer, my ring finger was inadvertently wrapped around Finn’s lease when he decided to take off in a different direction. It is taking months for the ligament to heal and unfortunately my wedding ring still doesn’t fit over the swelling. Hand injuries can happen in a second and healing can be long and tedious.
Here are some of the most common causes of hand injuries:
- Carelessness
- Lack of Awareness
- Boredom
- Distractions
- Not following established safety practices
- Lack of personal protective gear or wearing the wrong type
Preventing Hand Injuries at Home

Hand injuries happen at home and they are the most common reason people visit the ER. Here are some tips to prevent hand injuries at home:
- Cut away from your hand or fingers when using a knife.
- Turn off lawnmowers, snow blowers and any power cutting tools before putting your hands near the blades.
- Keep your eyes on the task at hand, especially if you’re using power tools.
- Make sure children’s hands are clear before shutting car doors.
- Don’t let kids play around escalators, elevators or revolving doors
Hand Skin Care

I think we can all agree that the excessive hand washing and using hand sanitizer is causing residual negative consequences to our hands. When you’re applying hand sanitizer to your hands multiple times each day, the product is taking moisture out of your skin. This can result in skin that’s dry, flaky, and sensitive to the touch.
This can be remedied by using hand moisturizer and staying hydrated. In addition to being uncomfortable, the American Academy of Dermatology Associates says that having dry skin can actually increase your chances of picking up germs. If you have a choice, it is better to opt for soap and water to clean your hands.
How can I improve the skin on my hands?

Hot water, detergents, and yard work can dry your skin, which can age your hands. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Applying a lotion or cream after washing your hands and bathing helps to trap water in your skin, which can plump up your skin. Also, remember to use warm vs. hot water.

According to an article by the AARP on 11 Ways to get Beautiful Hands after 50, here are some of their suggestions. To see the full article, click here.
- Update your hand wash and sanitizer (some sanitizers are more harmful than others)
- Make work gloves a must-have
- Choose hand cream the way you choose face cream
- Exfoliate hands too
- Treat hands to masks
- Use a hand-friendly sunscreen every day

My Hand Treatments
By my kitchen sink, I keep a bottle of Thayer’s alcohol-free Witch Hazel with aloe and Rooted Hydrating hand cream. After I wash my hands, I use both products. I find the witch hazel really helps calm down my skin, especially if it really dry. The J.R. Watkins Natural hand cream has over 11,000 ratings and comes in different fragrances and in individual size or a 3 pack. I have multiple tubes of hand cream~ in my car, by my side of the sofa, and on my nightstand. Every chance I get, I am moisturizing my hands, especially in the winter.

Don’t you agree that our hands are perhaps the most neglected part of our body? I am very hard on mine but I know that now, after doing some research, I will make an extra effort to take better care of my hands.
Hands Hold Memories
When I look back over my life, I fondly remember the tiny hands of my children and the warm and loving hands of my husband. My Dad, who was the most amazing man God ever created, had the best, meaty, calloused hands that matched his work ethic. The day he died, I held his hands and never wanted to let them go. I knew I would miss them terribly. No one else has hands like my dad.

So hands are not only tools we use every day, but they play such a significant role in our memories. I hope today, after reading this post, you will look at your hands differently. And if you are like me and have taken them for granted, take some time to pamper these amazing body parts.
I hope you enjoy the 2nd edition of Self Care. If you missed the first one on Sleep, you can find it here. Happy Wednesday to you and all the hands you love.

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Very handy advice. If I were a handsome handy man, this would definitely come in handy. I’ve got hands like sandpaper and heels so cracked they could whistle Dixie in a windstorm. Enter the miracle of Hand & Heel Crack Cream—smeared on thicker than bullshit on a politician it turns those gnarly hooves back into something human. I personally use hand and heel crack cream from dirty girl farm. https://www.dirtygirlfarm.com/products/hand-heel-crack-cream. (No click $’s for you but good stuff).
Your description of your father brought a tear to my eye! What a beautiful memory.
I am a clutz in the kitchen and just started using these when using a Mandolin or cheese grater, they are helpful! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08L6QZ289?ref_=ppx_hzsearch_conn_dt_b_fed_asin_title_1&th=1
Michele, thank you so much to the link to these protective gloves!! I need these gloves because I always feel like I’m rolling the dice when using the mandolin! Yes, that memory of my Dad’s hands is one I replay over and over again. He is very near to my heart. Thank you for commenting!
Just came upon this post today as it was highlighted under the Valentine’s recipes I was searching for the chocolate biscuits. I’m grateful for the information you provided it will be added to my daily routine as I wish to keep my hands strong and youthful looking. Thanks for keeping up the blog posts.
M, I wish I started taking care of my hands years ago. But I’m one who likes to feel the dirt while gardening, and forgets to wear gloves when washing dishes. I am glad you found the hand post! Yes, those chocolate biscuits are dreamy-almost brownie like. I hope you make them and love them.
Thank you for sharing! Winter makes all our hands so dry!
Thank you for the post…you always have good info. Just went back and read the sleep
post. Will be trying those helpful tips also.
We take our hands for granted and have been guilty of this myself. Now dealing with
some issues with my fingers due to over use.
What a great post. I really needed this as I’ve really noticed a deterioration in my hands lately. Thanks so much for such great information! I’d love to share a link on my Dirt Road adventures on Sunday.
Thank you for this timely information, Mary. My grip is weak, my hands are dry, and arthritis is an issue too. Tonight I’m going to look for that stress ball I stuffed in the back of a drawer and be more deliberate about using hand lotion.
Excellent post Mary – I’m definitely going to try some of those! I work in a very dusty place and I’m washing my hands all the time! Thanks for all the great insights too!
Great information! I agree my grip is not strong either. I’ve heard it’s a sign of longevity. This looks like a great thing to do while watching TV. Your posts always give me something useful. Thanks
I am awaiting these stress balls so I’ll let you know if they work. Will be doing it while watching tv! Thanks for commenting, Andrea. Really appreciate it.
I have noticed that since I am home more, I am always washing my hands or have my hands in dishwater. I recently bought dish gloves and started using Kate McLeod lotion stones. What an improvement! My hands are no longer tight, rough and dry-itch. I will have to start with the strength training, as I now have to ask my husband or teenage sons to help me with jars. I am only in my 40’s so I need to be proactive. Thank you for your informative articles.
Crystal, thank you for your comments.I will need to look into Kate McLeod lotion stones. I’ve never heard of them. Thanks for sharing that tip. Yes, I typically hand the jars to my husband to open and I’ve noticed I am a bit weak in that department. Awaiting my stress balls so I can keep trying to strength them. Will keep you posted!
Perfect timing, Mary! All of the dust in my house with construction means I have been washing my hands more than ever. For the first time ever, I actually have a crack on my hand!! I have found Bag Balm to be amazing for it!
Chloe, my hands feel like sandpaper lately. When I lived back east, I would always get cracked hands over the winter. Yes, Bag Balm is amazing….does it smell any better? It was a long time ago I used it, and the scent wasn’t my favorite. But it works very well.