Restoration Chronicles~Chapter 5
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Restoration Chronicles~Chapter 5

Thank you for visiting today to read about the ongoing restoration story of our historical home. Chapters 5 is all about the well tower or water tower. Before Before purchasing this house, I really didn’t know anything about well towers. I have never seen one. We call ours a well tower but they are also…

A  1922 Historic Home Restoration is Finished!
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A 1922 Historic Home Restoration is Finished!

After 8 months of extensive renovation, we are proud to show you the results of the 1922 restoration in one of Phoenix’s most lovely neighborhoods.  This Jeffersonian grand dame is worthy of all the time, money and energy it took to make this restoration a reality. If you would like to see previous posts on…

Painting/Stenciling a Concrete Floor
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Painting/Stenciling a Concrete Floor

At the Willetta restoration, we created a large closet off of the dining room by enclosing a portion of an old adjacent storage area.  The purpose of this room is to become the silver, crystal, linen and china closet.  I’ve always wanted a separate space to store my “stuff”- large trays, candlesticks, tablecloths, dishes, silverware…