Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Well, it’s officially summer and we are so grateful to be up in the Arizona mountains and out of the 100+ degree heat. This is the first weekend since May that I do not have something (event, travel) scheduled and I hope to relax and do lots of reading, naps and baking. Do you have…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Can it possibly be mid-January already? I hope this year isn’t another one on fast-forward. All my efforts to slow time do not seem to be working. Happy Saturday to you and I hope this blog post finds you comfy and cozy. It is very cold here in Phoenix as we are not used to…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Hello, my friends! I feel like a new woman as my Grand Jury duty responsibilities are O.V.E.R.! Thankfully I didn’t have to serve the full four months, but only the last 4 weeks. Taking two full days each week is a bit of a schedule challenge, but I found serving in this capacity somewhat rewarding….

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

We are already at the second week in June. Not sure I remember where March, April and May went, but they certainly flew by. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings, where we discuss all the fun and good things happening around us this week. Flag Day on June 14 Growing up, I remember celebrating Flag Day….