8 Ways to Get in the Fall Mood when it is Still Hot Outside
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8 Ways to Get in the Fall Mood when it is Still Hot Outside

It is early September and I long for the autumn weather in our lingering hot Phoenix climate. Even here in the Arizona mountains, the days are warm with slightly cooler weather in the mornings. With the official start of autumn only a few weeks away, here are 8 ways to get in the Fall mood….

Happy First Day of Fall 2020
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Happy First Day of Fall 2020

Today fall begins in the United States and everywhere else in the northern hemisphere. The autumn equinox — also known as the autumnal equinox, the fall equinox or the September equinox — occurs when the sun moves directly over the Earth’s Equator, bringing virtually the same amount of daylight and darkness on that particular day. Happy…

September Projects
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September Projects

Happy Saturday! It has been a whirlwind lately~~so many meetings and pending projects. I keep reprimanding myself that I want to post a new blog once a week, but I blink and time has slipped away. There is a distinct weather change here, finally! This morning it was 68 degrees. Though that may sound warm…