Enchanted Forest Dinner Tablescape
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Enchanted Forest Dinner Tablescape

Every year Judith Baigent King (teaching chef, food writer, author) coordinates and organizes a Fantasy Table event to raise educational scholarship money for those who work at our country club in the mountains. It is a monumental effort and hence, very difficult to say no when she asks you to host a table! What makes…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy first Saturday of June! Typically by now we are experiencing the summer heat, but I must say our weather has been just gorgeous! Mornings in the low 60s and highs in the low 90s. The next few days may get to triple digits but the forecast is lower temperatures for most of next week!…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and as I write this, it’s hard to believe nearly half of 2022 is over. Since I started grand jury duty, my schedule is non-existent and I can’t really recall what happened to the last 3 weeks in June. I always look forward to writing this post so let’s get started and chat…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

We are already at the second week in June. Not sure I remember where March, April and May went, but they certainly flew by. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings, where we discuss all the fun and good things happening around us this week. Flag Day on June 14 Growing up, I remember celebrating Flag Day….