Mountain Decor
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Mountain Decor

There is a plethora of blog posts and magazine articles about getting the “beach” look for the summer.  This time of year, the words summer and beach are synonymous.  However, I would imagine many people alternatively go to the mountains or lake instead of the beach. In Arizona, we are blessed with beautiful mountains within…

Our Family Room
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Our Family Room

Our family room is one of the most utilized rooms in the house.  I love the actual room as it feels like a solarium.  It is my least favorite because I am not fond of how it has been decorated. Originally an outdoor porch, it was enclosed in the 1940s.  The room is really large…

A Bit of Fall Decorating
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A Bit of Fall Decorating

I love the longevity of fall decorating~~you can start in September, adjust it a bit for Halloween and keep it until Thanksgiving. With a few small touches, the house feels like autumn. It helps that we’ve been enjoying such gorgeous cool mornings and evenings. Don’t you just love the light lately? The yard looks so…