Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Well, it’s mid-September and also, today is National Coloring Day. I wonder who comes up with these quirky commemorations but you may want to pull out your coloring book in recognition. It’s been such a busy week that I failed to post anything on Tuesday. We have returned to Phoenix from a summer in the…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

What a week! Back to being busier than ever, I reflect back and long for the cool, relaxing summer days at our cabin. Oh well. Life does get in the way, doesn’t it? As we near the end of September, I hope you are experiencing touches of fall weather and hints of pumpkin and spice….

My Favorite Tomato Recipes
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My Favorite Tomato Recipes

We are right in the middle of tomato season here in Phoenix. My garden isn’t producing as many tomatoes as the very successful season I had last year, but homegrown is the best. However, the ones that are growing are absolutely delicious freshly picked from the vine, warmed by the sun and eaten with just…

Processing Tomatoes
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Processing Tomatoes

You need lots of tomatoes Back in early June, after harvesting the San Marzano tomatoes from my garden (thank you, Whitfill Nursery), I made fresh tomato sauce. However, I did not process it with the hot bath canning method, but froze the fresh sauce in individual zip-loc bags. Recently, when my friend, Rick said his…