Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy day after Valentine’s Day. Did you do anything special? Other than wear a “Love” t-shirt, socks with red hearts, and doing a property walkabout with my husband, it is a regular day for us. I hope you read my post this week about the love story of our home. Certainly a fun trip down…

Setting a Proper Table
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Setting a Proper Table

There is something satisfying about a stunning dinner table.  It makes your guests feel special and honors the meal soon to be presented.  Unfortunately, in our household we don’t do it enough.  We can rarely get our senior in high school to be hungry at standard meal times. I love setting a proper table, and…

Thanksgiving Table Options
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Thanksgiving Table Options

Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week?  I’ve been enjoying my lolly-gagging November and just like that, turkey day is around the corner! I ordered my fresh turkey this a.m. and have begun meal planning.  The good news is that I will have my foodie son home from Washington, DC. I will be so grateful…