Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from the White Mountains of Arizona! It’s been a few months since we have visited our cabin and no surprise to find cobwebs, lots of yard debris and a tankless water heater that is providing cold water only. Home ownership~a blessing and a curse. This is Finn’s first trip here and he is…

Learning to Paint
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Learning to Paint

Learning something new later in life can be a bit of a challenge. After my 2nd child went off to college, I decided to try my hand at painting. A dear gardening friend/art teacher began giving classes rather close to my home and I thought, “Why not try this?” My first art classes involved acrylic…

Our Hodge-Podge Art Collection
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Our Hodge-Podge Art Collection

On Saturday we were invited to a friend’s home for dinner.  I had never been there before but my husband had and was raving about their home, particularly their art collection. Art plays a major role in their lives, because Leslie Sandbulte is a very talented, renown artist. Here are a few of her paintings….