Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

It feels so good to get back to writing a Saturday Meanderings. The last two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind and I appreciate you understanding my lack of posting. Happy Saturday and let’s chat about what is going on. The day after our houseguests left I excitedly left Phoenix to Orlando, Florida…

Two More Holiday Mantels
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Two More Holiday Mantels

Happy Saturday, my friends! I hope you have enjoyed the past two posts on the two mantels my dear friends created when they visited here a few weeks ago. Today I want to present the last two holiday mantels. With 7 fireplaces, I will have three to decorate on my own. I can honestly say…

Another Beautiful Mantel
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Another Beautiful Mantel

As promised, I want to show you another beautiful mantel done by my fabulous friends. Quite honestly, wouldn’t it be nice to have your creative and talented friends help decorate your home for every holiday? There must be a business idea in there somewhere! If you missed yesterday’s post about the romantic mantel in my…