Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week. I was unable to post last Saturday because we were traveling (secretly) to Chicago to surprise our son. Plus last week is one filled with chores and who wants to share that! But this week, we have happy good news to share,…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy sweltering Saturday! Typically we travel a lot over the summer, but there have been a few surprises with us staying closer to home this year. Normally, I stop thinking about the garden in June and let it go fallow. But this year it is still producing. Any day now I will be picking watermelon…

Composting 101
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Composting 101

Since we are all staying at home for the next 30 days, it is the perfect time to start composting. Your family’s trash can be easily and inexpensively turned into organic plant food. About 30% of what we throw away can be used to make your own rich fertilizer. We have been composting here at…

My Afternoon Walkabout
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My Afternoon Walkabout

When the children were small, we would walk the entire property every afternoon. My son and I would have “who can pick the largest kumquat” contests in the orchard. I miss those days 🙁 My daily walkabout is not only a chance to get outside, but a way to free myself from technology, projects and…