Living Simply and  Efficiently
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Living Simply and Efficiently

I recently purchased a new book, Simply Living Well by Julia Watkins. This hard cover book is a guide to creating a natural, low-waste home. The book is filled with great ideas and recipes on how to reduce what you consume and throw away. But it got me thinking about how we live. What are…

5 Fall Garden Preparation and Planting Tips for the Southwest Region
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5 Fall Garden Preparation and Planting Tips for the Southwest Region

In many parts of the country, gardeners are preparing their gardens for a long winter’s rest. However, garden preparation and planting is just starting for the Fall and Winter here in the Southwest. Here are 5 Fall gardening tips for you to prepare and plant your garden. In this part of Arizona, our USDA Plant…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Every time I write a Saturday Meanderings I cannot believe another week has flown by! As I am composing this I am sitting in the waiting room at Superior Court of Arizona, recently summoned for Grand Jury duty. I have never done this before and it will be interesting to see if I am part…

Spring Gardening
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Spring Gardening

I often get asked if gardening takes a lot of my time. Overall, the answer is no. Yet there are times during the year where crops need changing, soil needs amending, trees require pruning, and flowerbeds need thinning and weeding. Now is the time to do the Spring Gardening here in Phoenix. Fortunately, we have…

Getting the Garden Ready for the Fall planting
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Getting the Garden Ready for the Fall planting

After being away at the cabin for 2+ weeks, I am feeling a bit behind in getting my garden ready for fall planting here in Phoenix. In looking over blog posts from previous years, my tardiness is self-imposed. I’m actually a bit early this year. Now it makes sense that the vegetable selection at the…