Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Since I didn’t have the time to write a Saturday Meanderings last week, this one will cover all the good things (and some not so good) from the last two weeks. Happy Weekend to you! It’s Galette Season! I love making galettes and it’s a great way to showcase all the wonderful fruit that is…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

As I write this, we are up at our mountain cabin. It is overcast, drizzling and chilly temperatures and oh, so very quiet. When you live in a busy city, you ignore all the noise (sirens, traffic, lawn mowers and blowers), but here it is silent. Wow. I haven’t been here since Thanksgiving, so naturally…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

We are having such chilly, rainy weather here in Phoenix. Not that I am complaining as we always need the rain, but usually by March, we are having warmer temperatures. As I write this I am bundled up with the fireplace on making a pot of soup for lunch. Happy Saturday and of course, it…

Setting the Christmas Dinner Table
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Setting the Christmas Dinner Table

For some reason it never occurred to me to set a dinner table days before an event. While visiting my friend, I noticed her Thanksgiving table all set a week before turkey day. It was a light bulb moment for me. I typically (and with stress) set the table on the same day. Ever since…