Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Can you believe it is the last Saturday in June? We are well into summer now but if the months keep flying by like this, in no time it will be pumpkins and sweaters. Thank you so much for joining me for Saturday Meanderings, where we chat about all good things this week. It’s been…

Who Loves a Beautiful Window Box?
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Who Loves a Beautiful Window Box?

Currently I am traveling in Connecticut and during my morning walk, I am surprised to see so many beautiful window boxes filled with colorful flowers. Naturally this got me thinking about window boxes and how I do not have a one. Nada. No where on either of our properties is there a single window box!…

Decorating the Living Room Mantel with a Nutcracker Theme
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Decorating the Living Room Mantel with a Nutcracker Theme

The only reason my living room mantel is completely decorated for Christmas is due to the Fall Styling Workshop. Chloe, from Celebrate and Decorate, demonstrates her technique for layering garlands for a luxuriously styled mantel. I can honestly say this mantel is so gorgeous that the room doesn’t require any other decorations. The Before Typically,…

Enchanted Forest Dinner Tablescape
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Enchanted Forest Dinner Tablescape

Every year Judith Baigent King (teaching chef, food writer, author) coordinates and organizes a Fantasy Table event to raise educational scholarship money for those who work at our country club in the mountains. It is a monumental effort and hence, very difficult to say no when she asks you to host a table! What makes…

Setting the Christmas Dinner Table
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Setting the Christmas Dinner Table

For some reason it never occurred to me to set a dinner table days before an event. While visiting my friend, I noticed her Thanksgiving table all set a week before turkey day. It was a light bulb moment for me. I typically (and with stress) set the table on the same day. Ever since…