Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy February, Groundhog Day and welcome to the first Saturday Meanderings of this month. February 2024…wow. Who remembers the year 2000 like it was yesterday? That was 24 years ago! As life continues to just fly on by, my attempt at slow living is truly failing. Here we are with another month starting and it’s…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from the chilly mountains of Arizona. I am here with my friend, Christine for a few days, enjoying the crisp temperatures, snow on the ground and the quiet solitude. Storms are predicted for later on this weekend but hopefully we will be back on the road to the Valley before any front moves…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

I am so sorry I missed posting Saturday Meanderings last week. In addition to having house guests, planning, cooking and organizing our Valentine Dinner party (if you missed it see it here), our sweet dog Sox had an episode where we thought it was over for him. Thankfully, he came around but it was a…