Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

I seriously do not understand how fast August is flying by~especially these last two weeks. Happy last Saturday of August and it’s hard to believe the Labor Day weekend is next week. We are so lucky to still be enjoying the cooler mountains of Arizona and lately, I can certainly feel a touch of autumn…

July 4th Plans and Recipes
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July 4th Plans and Recipes

For several years now, we spend July 4th at our cabin in the mountains. There is a sweet, homespun, Americana parade that goes by our driveway. Since the parade is heavily attended, getting a good viewing spot makes our driveway a very popular place. What started as a small parade-viewing get together, has grown into…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Well, Happy October! Whoosh and just like that September is in the rear view mirror. Hopefully as you are reading this we are up in the cool mountains of Arizona. The big goal this weekend is to finally gather pumpkins and gourds from Willis Family Farm in Snowflake. Maybe that will light a fire under…