Back Staircase Renovation
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Back Staircase Renovation

This back staircase renovation is finally finished. What a bear. Truly, this project took so many twists and turns and over a year to complete. Thanks for visiting today to see the good, the bad and the ugly of the back staircase renovation. To see the original post back in August 2019, click here. Deteriorated…

Refinishing Lamps
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Refinishing Lamps

My son’s bedroom remodel is taking FOREVER. I wish I had one week without interruptions to finish it, however, that is not my life right now. But this weekend I was able to refinish 2 lamps and wanted to share the process with you. You know you are blessed with good friends when they are…

Painting/Stenciling a Concrete Floor
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Painting/Stenciling a Concrete Floor

At the Willetta restoration, we created a large closet off of the dining room by enclosing a portion of an old adjacent storage area.  The purpose of this room is to become the silver, crystal, linen and china closet.  I’ve always wanted a separate space to store my “stuff”- large trays, candlesticks, tablecloths, dishes, silverware…