Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

As I write this, we are up at our mountain cabin. It is overcast, drizzling and chilly temperatures and oh, so very quiet. When you live in a busy city, you ignore all the noise (sirens, traffic, lawn mowers and blowers), but here it is silent. Wow. I haven’t been here since Thanksgiving, so naturally…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Where did the week go? My husband is up at our cabin and it’s just been the dogs, cat and myself here. Lots of stormy, swampy weather made me want to just curl up and read a book. But, noooooo. Instead I am doing all the piddly chores that need to get done, but without…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from Boise, Idaho. Boy, packing for this trip is a bit of a challenge as the weather will range from 70 degrees to 38 degrees and raining. Plus we are attending a black tie gala~nothing like stuffing your fancy outfit into a carry-on! It is always fun to travel here~especially now where they…

Combining Real and Artificial Flowers
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Combining Real and Artificial Flowers

Everyone probably already does this, but I am just recently discovering the flexibility one has with combining both real and artificial flowers in floral arrangements. When I think of all those years of being a purist on fresh flower arrangements, combining fresh and artificial really makes sense. Faux flower quality is significantly better than ever….