Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Another rainy and chilly few days here in the Valley of the Sun. My garden is very happy about the additional moisture and of course, the cooler temperatures are always appreciated. Happy St. Patrick’s Day weekend! Tonight we are hosting a dinner party celebrating our daughter, Julianna’s 27th birthday. I will be serving my two…

Holiday Mantels Over the Years
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Holiday Mantels Over the Years

Before central air conditioning and heat, homes are kept warm by fireplaces in many of the rooms. In our historic home, we have 5 fireplaces inside and two outside. Each fireplace has a mantel that is begging to be decorated for the Christmas holidays. Here is a compilation of some of our decorated mantels over…

Cocktails for the Holidays
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Cocktails for the Holidays

There something special about serving a custom cocktail during the holidays. Every time I entertain, I like to seek seasonal ingredients and create a unique drink to start the party. Generally, I make enough for 2 servings per guest, then you can serve whatever you want after the initial cocktail~be it wine, beer, standard mixed…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Well, can you believe it is December and almost the end of 2022? It appears that this year has blown by so fast for so many. Thanks for stopping by today for another Saturday Meanderings, where we review all the good things that happen this week. End of the Turkey With two 14 pound turkeys…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Where did the week go? My husband is up at our cabin and it’s just been the dogs, cat and myself here. Lots of stormy, swampy weather made me want to just curl up and read a book. But, noooooo. Instead I am doing all the piddly chores that need to get done, but without…