Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from the White Mountains of Arizona. We finally made it up to our cabin, only to find rather hot weather here (but not as hot as Phoenix). Rain is predicted for this weekend, which we always want and need desperately. Thank you for joining me today~it’s been a busy week and there is…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and post-Thanksgiving weekend! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Ours took a bit of a different turn. My husband is feeling a bit under the weather and in light of being extra cautious, we moved the dinner outside while he rested inside. Welcome to the last Saturday Meanderings in November where we…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

I hope everyone enjoyed the nice, long holiday weekend. Each year we head to the mountains where the July 4th holiday is extra special. Everyone’s cabin and golf cart is adorned in red, white and blue and there is a strong sentiment of patriotism and love for our country. And, I do feel like I…

Decorating a Mantel for Christmas
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Decorating a Mantel for Christmas

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of hosting 4 other bloggers here at Bella Terra. Being the recipient of their collective creativity, they tackled 3 fireplace mantels and decorated them for the holidays. What a fun experience watching these talented gals in action. Today I want to share the mantel over the fireplace in…

Traveling Teacup Adventure
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Traveling Teacup Adventure

How exciting to be part of the Traveling Teacup series. My dear friend, Barbara from Mantel and Table is behind this wonderful way for people to have a shared experience through her beautiful pink rose teacup. What started out as a photo challenge back in March, is now a lovely, civilized way for people to…