Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy first Saturday in July! It’s been a glorious week here in the White Mountains of Arizona, even though the last few days are a bit warmer than usual. I hope your Independence Day festivities are what you expected~whether with family and friends or just relaxing and hassle-free. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Hello, my friends! I feel like a new woman as my Grand Jury duty responsibilities are O.V.E.R.! Thankfully I didn’t have to serve the full four months, but only the last 4 weeks. Taking two full days each week is a bit of a schedule challenge, but I found serving in this capacity somewhat rewarding….

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and as I write this, it’s hard to believe nearly half of 2022 is over. Since I started grand jury duty, my schedule is non-existent and I can’t really recall what happened to the last 3 weeks in June. I always look forward to writing this post so let’s get started and chat…

All Things July 4th
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All Things July 4th

holidays We always look forward to going to our cabin for the July 4th holiday. It is much cooler in the mountains of Arizona and this area has a nice small town feel. The highlight is the July 4th parade, which started many years ago by a wonderful neighbor who believed this holiday needed proper…

A Little Peace and Quiet
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A Little Peace and Quiet

My husband and I spent the weekend in the mountains of Arizona.  It was SO peaceful and quiet.  Since my life is rather frenetic and busy, there is not much down time. It wasn’t until I was the midst of serenity and stillness that I realized how much I miss the absence of noise. For…