Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

This is my 100th Saturday Meanderings post. For the centennial post, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and loyalty every Saturday. I recently heard a sad statistic that over 50% of Americans feel lonely or profoundly lonely. However, so many of you feel like close friends…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Easter weekend! I love this time of year and have such happy memories of this holiday. Dad would buy us corsages to pin on our new spring coats. Dressing up for church in hats and gloves and Mom’s homemade lamb cake after dinner. Signs of spring would be popping up in Connecticut and winter…

Autumn in August~Fall Wreath Ideas and Inspiration
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Autumn in August~Fall Wreath Ideas and Inspiration

Today I am teaming up with my blogging friends to talk about autumn, so catch all their great ideas at the bottom of this post. Even though it’s a gazillion degrees here, I am reaching that point that I am ready for next season. Unfortunately our heat will last for at least another 60 to…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Hello, my friends! I feel like a new woman as my Grand Jury duty responsibilities are O.V.E.R.! Thankfully I didn’t have to serve the full four months, but only the last 4 weeks. Taking two full days each week is a bit of a schedule challenge, but I found serving in this capacity somewhat rewarding….

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Last week I took a break from blogging as I hosted 3 blogging friends from Texas, Colorado and Washington. Unfortunately, 2 had medical emergencies and were forced to cancel at the last minute. But we forged on and had a very productive, fun and creative 4 days together. I cannot wait to share with you…