Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Today will be one of the cooler ones (high of 92 degrees) as this week was indeed a warm one, well over triple digits. I guess summer is officially here in the southwest. Fortunately, our neighborhood has one of the largest tree canopies and I truly believe we are 10 degrees cooler than the rest…

September Garden Guide
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September Garden Guide

After wonderful monsoon weather and a nearly dead garden, I am so excited to get the beds ready for Fall planting. Here is my September Garden Guide for zone 9b. The only problem lately is the influx of mosquitos resulting from all the rain. And those nasty little fellas just love biting me. But I…

Christmas in July
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Christmas in July

I am so delighted to be part of a very talented group of bloggers who are celebrating Christmas in July. What exactly is Christmas in July? I did some research and you can read more about it at the bottom of this post. Psychologically, in the sweltering Arizona heat, a mental escape to Christmas it…