Organizing Tips:The Master Closet
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Organizing Tips:The Master Closet

January is a GREAT month to start afresh and tackle new organization projects. Today, I am joining a group of friends to share some spectacular ways to re-arrange, sort and clean those parts of your home that need attention. My sweet friend, Rachel from The Pond’s Farmhouse is hosting this round-up of ideas to get…

Butler’s Pantry Inspiration
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Butler’s Pantry Inspiration

We have a butler’s pantry. We do not have a butler. I would LOVE to have a butler like Mr. Carson from Downton Abbey, wouldn’t you? So, what is a butler’s pantry? According to Google, butler’s pantries are usually located in transitional spaces between kitchens and dining rooms, and used as staging areas for serving meals….

Storing things
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Storing things

Someone recently asked me where I put everything. The challenge with having a large property is to not fill it to the brim with stuff. I tend to organize by categories. Some people organize alphabetically or by color or project. But it’s easier for me to focus on the object~~looking for scissors? Go to the…