Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy day after Valentine’s Day. Did you do anything special? Other than wear a “Love” t-shirt, socks with red hearts, and doing a property walkabout with my husband, it is a regular day for us. I hope you read my post this week about the love story of our home. Certainly a fun trip down…

8 Ways to Get in the Fall Mood when it is Still Hot Outside
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8 Ways to Get in the Fall Mood when it is Still Hot Outside

It is early September and I long for the autumn weather in our lingering hot Phoenix climate. Even here in the Arizona mountains, the days are warm with slightly cooler weather in the mornings. With the official start of autumn only a few weeks away, here are 8 ways to get in the Fall mood….

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Easter weekend! We are back in town with our new little (well, not so little) puppy. Next week I will share our cross country adventures and introduce you to the handsome fella. With Easter being so early this year, the weatherman is predicting chilly temperatures and rain. So much for eating outside and enjoying…

The Guest Cottage Rejuvenation
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The Guest Cottage Rejuvenation

The guest cottage renovation is complete. This is not a comprehensive renovation, but enough to make it feel fresh and functional. My daughter and her two dogs and one cat made this their home for 3 years. Normal wear and tear plus pets…well you get the picture. Here is the guest house remodel reveal and…

Delightful and Inspiring Table Ideas for Easter
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Delightful and Inspiring Table Ideas for Easter

Am I the only one that cannot believe that Easter is less than 2 weeks away? Last year it was on April 17th and this year it is so much earlier. With beautiful Spring weather well on its way and nature blooming all around us, I want to have a pretty Easter table to compliment…