Take a Peek into Our Guest Cottage
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Take a Peek into Our Guest Cottage

I’ve had a few requests to share pictures of the guest cottage interior. This sweet small building sits in the quiet northwest corner of our property and is very secluded from the main house. We estimate the age of the guest cottage to be from the 1930 to 1940. So let’s take a peek. I…

July 4 Table Decorations~Two Ways
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July 4 Table Decorations~Two Ways

Sometimes I get into a rut and do the same table decorations over and over again. With a few minor changes, you can use many of the same things and mix up the look of your July 4th table. All of these items I have on hand. Since I am proud to be an American,…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday, friends! It continues to be the most gorgeous Spring weather here. And everything is blooming and showing off their colorful blossoms and fruit. If only our weather could be like this year round, but then our population would triple. I am wrapping up this lovely week with another edition of Saturday Meanderings and…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Last week I took a break from blogging as I hosted 3 blogging friends from Texas, Colorado and Washington. Unfortunately, 2 had medical emergencies and were forced to cancel at the last minute. But we forged on and had a very productive, fun and creative 4 days together. I cannot wait to share with you…

Christmas Catch-Up
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Christmas Catch-Up

I am so excited to be back at writing my blog again. We finally took my husband’s very belated big birthday trip to St. Thomas last week. This whole pandemic thing truly makes everything so much more complicated. The trip originally started as a river boat cruise down the Rhine River to see the European…