Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from the White Mountains of Arizona. We finally made it up to our cabin, only to find rather hot weather here (but not as hot as Phoenix). Rain is predicted for this weekend, which we always want and need desperately. Thank you for joining me today~it’s been a busy week and there is…

My Favorite Tomato Recipes
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My Favorite Tomato Recipes

We are right in the middle of tomato season here in Phoenix. My garden isn’t producing as many tomatoes as the very successful season I had last year, but homegrown is the best. However, the ones that are growing are absolutely delicious freshly picked from the vine, warmed by the sun and eaten with just…

Processing Tomatoes
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Processing Tomatoes

You need lots of tomatoes Back in early June, after harvesting the San Marzano tomatoes from my garden (thank you, Whitfill Nursery), I made fresh tomato sauce. However, I did not process it with the hot bath canning method, but froze the fresh sauce in individual zip-loc bags. Recently, when my friend, Rick said his…

Picking, Making and Baking
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Picking, Making and Baking

You know how much I love gardening, and I am far from complaining. But everything is reaching its prime at the same time. The peaches, apricots, tomatoes, figs, artichokes, fennel, sorrel and soon to be apples are being harvested now. Tomatoes But unlike store bought produce, my homegrown fruits and vegetables don’t last days on…

Beginnings and Endings
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Beginnings and Endings

I have been out of town for the last week and was unable to send my typical twice weekly blog posts.  But there is a good reason why. Our oldest child, Benjamin graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville last Saturday.  This is one of the country’s most beautiful educational institutions.  Rich in history…