Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday to you! I’m a little late getting out today’s post but all for good reasons. My son and girlfriend are in town visiting for a wedding, so the latter part of this week is full of those celebrations. Since this will be the first time in 26 years that our son hasn’t been…

Fall Front Porch Decor..finally
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Fall Front Porch Decor..finally

Each year I try to change things up a bit with the fall decor on the front porch. Our weather has definitely cooled down quite a bit (53 degrees here yesterday)and it finally feels right to put up all the autumn decorations. Since we have many planters by the front door, my inspiration for the…

Valentine’s Day Decor
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Valentine’s Day Decor

Happy February! The next few weeks are one of my favorites because of all the pinks, reds and romance we see before Valentine’s Day. It’s not quite spring but it is fun to decorate parts of the house with Valentine’s Day decor. The front porch is a good place to start. I am doing something…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Christmas is a less than one week away. Oh my. Even though I dream about having a comprehensive holiday home tour to show you, I am still noodling around with decorations (and cleaning up). Welcome to Saturday Meanderings! I am envisioning you with all your gift shopping done and lounging around in your red striped…