Getting the Garden Ready for the Fall planting
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Getting the Garden Ready for the Fall planting

After being away at the cabin for 2+ weeks, I am feeling a bit behind in getting my garden ready for fall planting here in Phoenix. In looking over blog posts from previous years, my tardiness is self-imposed. I’m actually a bit early this year. Now it makes sense that the vegetable selection at the…

Happy First Day of Fall 2020
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Happy First Day of Fall 2020

Today fall begins in the United States and everywhere else in the northern hemisphere. The autumn equinox — also known as the autumnal equinox, the fall equinox or the September equinox — occurs when the sun moves directly over the Earth’s Equator, bringing virtually the same amount of daylight and darkness on that particular day. Happy…

Sprucing up the Front Porch
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Sprucing up the Front Porch

Here is another project that started out simply, and then took on a life of its own. With all this time at home, I am noticing there are so many areas that need sprucing up. This includes the front porch. It all begins with the rocking chairs. The four rocking chairs on the front porch…

Propagating Roses
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Propagating Roses

I have always wanted to learn how to propagate roses, especially the antique ones we have at Bella Terra. With a clean potting shed (see yesterday’s post here) and sheltering in place time on my hands, I thought I would try this. Meet Quatre Saisons (Rose of the Four Seasons), R. damascene bifera). We have…

My Spring Planting Goals
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My Spring Planting Goals

Now that the freezing temperatures are behind us, it is time to start planting the Spring garden. The evenings are still cool and the days are nice and warm (but not too hot). I am often asked if it takes a great deal of time to garden. The answer is no. Some planting attention is…