Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from the White Mountains of Arizona. We finally made it up to our cabin, only to find rather hot weather here (but not as hot as Phoenix). Rain is predicted for this weekend, which we always want and need desperately. Thank you for joining me today~it’s been a busy week and there is…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

It’s hard to believe it is the middle of May. The temperatures are suppose to start rising here this weekend, but hopefully we will be on our way up to our mountain home. We haven’t been there in months so I am hoping the squirrels and mice have not moved in. It’s time for another…

Using Summer Zucchini~Two Different Ways
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Using Summer Zucchini~Two Different Ways

Lately I have been craving zucchini….go figure. I’ve been lightly sautéing it in butter with salt and pepper and just eating bowlfuls of it. However, I still have more in the refrigerator and decided to whip up an old favorite, zucchini lasagna. This low-carb dish is a repeat meal at our home and it freezes…