The Well Tower and Fall planting
The well tower is a unique fixture on our property. Originally designed to pump and house the equipment for the well, it was in a deteriorated state when we purchased our property back in 1999. But over time we did restore it and it serves multiple purposes now in 2021. It becomes a topic of conversation because the first floor is the potting shed, which is pertinent to my fall gardening.
I found some original pictures of our well tower during a recent cleaning and organizing spree. The well tower was built to do just that~~using a pulley system to draw water up from the well back in 1912, long before there was city-wide water availability.

When we bought our home in 1999, the well tower was dilapidated and quite the eyesore. When I look back on these early photos, I am always astounded about its poor and decayed condition.

The building has been restored and with the permission of the City of Phoenix’s Historical department, we were able to put in 2 additional floors and adjust the architecture to allow for a viewing area at the top. These are connected by way of two circular staircases. I added the fireman pole at the back of the 2nd floor as an alternative escape method. A new well was added and provides all the water for our 2+acres.

The first floor functions as my potting shed, where I store my garden tools, seeds, soil, and pots.

This great old double porcelain sink is actually from the original house kitchen and is being repurposed in the well tower.

A large tub is installed at counter height as a convenient way to wash the dogs. We used leftover Waterworks tile for the countertop.

My favorite go-to place is Whitfill Nursery for my flowers, vegetables and herbs. I plan to return for more flowers as they were getting a larger selection in a week.

But I have good start on kale, lettuces, broccoli, cauliflower, a variety of tomatoes, and many herbs. Happily, these new plants are sitting in our own homemade composted soil. For more information on Whitfill Nursery, click here.

I’ve neglected my flower garden last year, but am hoping to abundantly plant so I have cutting flowers available. The flower garden is located next to the vegetable garden. Here’s a picture of it 2 years ago when it was full of flowers and colors. I’m hoping to achieve that again.

Here’s a glimpse of my first group of flowers purchased from my favorite nursery!

As soon as the flower garden is fully planted, I will snap some photos for you.
Happy Fall and happy planting!

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Yes! I want to see the flower garden once you’ve planted! The well tower is so enchanting and I think it’s pretty cool how you all added the 2 stories and the viewing area, love it. I think it’s amazing also how the tower is still functioning…so practical!
Thank you for sharing and I love this post! Simple but extremely helpful and more revealing of the beautiful Bella Terra!
Gabie, Thanks to your wonderful feedback on what you would like to see more of on my blog, I drafted this with you in mind! I so appreciate all your comments!