Tribute to Cooper

On Wednesday of last week, our sweet dog, Cooper passed away. Even though he received a diagnosis of cancer in April, his passing was very sudden and unexpected. What started out as a normal day with him eating a healthy breakfast and a good walkabout, took a drastic turn by mid-day. Fortunately my daughter was home and able to help me get him in the car (all 130 lbs!) but the news from the vet was not good.

But my two sweet daughters and I were able to love him until the end. Unfortunately both my husband and son are out of town, hard news to deliver to them.

My buddy

So here’s a tribute to an amazing animal who has shared the last 10 years with us. The gifts that animals give humans are hard to put into words. I’ve often described my dogs as my shadow as they follow me room to room, or when I go outside, always being silent, loving and protective companions. I’m feeling a bit lost being home without him and I sense our other dog, Sox and cat, Donovan are feeling the same.

The Puppy Year

First day at home with Cooper

Here’s a photo of Cooper on the very first day after we picked him up at the airport. He is an Akbash, which is the all white version of an Anatolian Shepherd. This breed is well-known for being protective of family and a great guard dog for your property. They need a big yard and Cooper makes good use of our 2 acres. Looking at his huge paws, we know he will be a big boy. This is our second Akbash and I cannot say enough good things about this breed. They are gentle but have a substantial presence and bark when needed.

Family Friendly Guy

Benjamin and puppy, Cooper

Cooper quickly adapts to the the hectic family life with 3 active children, 2 other dogs and a cat. At this stage, he is all legs and a bit gangly, but as lovable as ever. Within the first year, he quickly grew to full size.

The kitchen is the center for the children connecting with Cooper at the end of the school day. He truly was the most gentle of creatures.

Cooper and Elisabeth

Even the cats are fond of Cooper.

Cooper and Donovan

Cooper was the BEST brother to his pal, Sox. They were inseparable.

Sox and Cooper

Protector of the Family and Home

Cooper’s breed is known for protecting the flock. All day, every day, he patrolled the yard. I could differentiate the sounds of his bark when he would communicate with the neighbor’s dog or if a threat was present. His tall frame could look over our perimeter 6 foot wall.

Checking out the neighborhood

Here is the view from the other side of our wall!

Cooper peeking over the wall

The front terrace wall is a favorite spot for scoping out the cars and pedestrians.

Looking at the traffic

Even at our cabin, he kept a vigilant watch. Life always felt a bit safer with Cooper around.

Cooper at the cabin

Taking a Load Off

Being such a big dog, Cooper took every opportunity to rest his back end somewhere. He used every available surface.

Cooper in the family room

Often times, he would sit on another cat or dog. Occasionally he would park himself in my lap too.

Cooper’s Favorite Things

His sleeping position is rather comical and he loves being on a sofa too!

So cute sleeping

Rolling around in the decomposed granite driveway is another favorite past time.

A dirty Cooper

It’s Hard to Say Goodbye

We are so blessed to have had this amazing, devoted and loving dog in our lives. Since the children have left the nest, the pets have provided us with hugs, love and companionship.

I would imagine Cooper is doing this right now, free of cancer and happy somewhere else.

A Happy Cooper
Looking elegant on the lawn

Goodbye, sweet friend. Until we meet again.

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  1. Mary, Scott and family,
    I’m sorry to hear you have lost Cooper. He hit the jackpot when he arrived at your home. Our pets are our family.
    I know your hearts are hurting. Sending you love.

  2. RAINBOW BRIDGE – author unknown

    There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
    It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many splendid colors.
    Just this side of Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills,
    and valleys with lush, green grass.
    When beloved pets die, they go to this place.
    There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
    The old and frail animals are young again.
    Those who are maimed are made whole again.
    They play all day with each other.
    There is only one thing missing.
    They are not with their special person who loved
    them on earth.
    So each day they run and play.
    Until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!

    The nose twitches.
    The ears are up!
    The eyes are staring.
    And this one suddenly runs from the group.
    You have been seen!
    And when you and your special friend meet,
    you take him in your arms and embrace.
    Your face is kissed again and again and again,
    and you look once more more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
    Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together…
    Never again to be separated.

    I am so truly sorry for your loss. ♥

  3. I remember puppy Cooper playing with our puppy Rachel at a Brophy Regatta on Tempe Town Lake many years ago. Even though he was twice her size, he never hurt her. Such a sweet dog. It’s so hard to say goodbye. My heart goes out to you.

  4. My heart goes out to you at the loss of your precious loyal Cooper. He was a beautiful member of your family and you gave him a wonderful life. Thank you for sharing the sweet and touching photos. Peace to you and your family.

  5. My heart breaks for you Mary. I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. Cooper was such a special boy. I loved watching him sit with his behind on a wall or chair while still standing. It was evident how much he loved your property. So glad I got to meet him. Sending you hugs and so much love my friend.

  6. Mary, I am so very sorry to hear of Cooper’s passing. I know how much your family will miss him. My favorite photo of him is where he is perched on your front wall. That always made me smile…

  7. what a beautiful tribute to Cooper, and I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my Scottish Terrier, Holly, a few weeks ago, and reading about Cooper’s place in your family was so comforting and helped me reflect once again how important Holly was in our lives. Thank you so much for sharing Cooper with us.

  8. Mary what a beautiful tribute to Cooper. Our fur babies give us so much love and the memories run deep. Try to remember all of the good times, as Cooper like all our beloved fur angels want us to be happy and carry on. Time is the only thing I have found helps to ease the pain of them leaving our world. Be gentle with yourself, it is a healing process that just doesn’t move quickly. He was a gorgeous dog. Thank you for sharing all of the pictures and your journey from puppy hood to saying goodbye.
    I’m so very sorry for your loss.

  9. So sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful tribute. There’s nothing like having the love of a animal which is more than a animal but a part of the family I still miss all mine but know I will see them and my husband again some day. I know he has them all over there with him. Makes me want to love my two Goldens Scobbee and Merlin even more. Take care

    1. What a tribute to a loving part of your family. He was truly an amazing family member. He will definitely be missed.

  10. What a great tribute to Cooper, I love all the great pictures of your sweet baby. You gave him love and a great home. I am so very sorry it is so difficult to get thru I still miss every animal I ever had, it’s a hard time. Much love to you and thanks for sharing him with us. ❤

  11. He was the sweetest , most precious dog… he was lucky to have such a loving family and he took care of them!!!
    Love you Cooper

  12. So very sorry for your loss Mary. These furry family members bring so much love and joy to our hearts and when they leave us, a piece of us goes with them. Cooper had the best life filled with love and adventure at Bella Terra. Thank you for sharing sweet Cooper’s journey with us.

  13. Mary and family, we are so sorry for your loss., Cooper was such a beautiful soul and will always be a beloved family member. Cindy, Rob, Josh and Zach.

  14. Oh Mary I’m so sorry! He was a wonderful dog and you must feel so bereft without him. Thanks for writing this great post. I hope it brings you a bit of comfort to remember him, and know that we’re all sending love to you and your family.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss! We lost our “Cooper” a few years ago. What a blessing it is to have had these wonderful pets in our family. Dearly loved and forever missed!

  16. I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet Cooper. He was clearly loved and lived his best life. I hope my sweet furbabies (Buddy, Bo, and Pepper) are showing him all the best places in heaven – and knowing my three they’ll show him the freshest cow and horse droppings to roll in. Sending cyber {{hugs}}

  17. Mary, I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved Cooper. Our pets are our dearest friends and it’s so hard to let them go. I’ve lost too many over the years. Our last lab Layla was almost 16 when we had to say goodbye and I still tear up thinking about her. Hugs to your family for being part of Cooper’s pack all these years. He was a lucky boy.

  18. I’m so sorry for your loss of Cooper. What a wonderful tribute to him. I love the pictures of him sitting on the wall and of him sleeping! We lost our Welsh terrier almost 20 years but still talk about all the crazy things she did. Pets are such a huge part of our families and I’m so sorry for your loss.

  19. Mary,
    Wonderful tribute to Cooper. Our dogs keep going to the side yard hoping to “talk” to him.. I am going to miss him looking over the wall as he surveyed the neighborhood..

    Cooper you will be missed.

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