When It Rains It Pours

I am always curious as to why there are times in life where “things” happen in multiples. And not good things. Well, I seem to be in one of those downpours lately. As I mentioned in Saturday’s blog post, the 75 gallon water tank in the basement split and flooded two rooms. A plumber, two helpers and $1200 later, the problem is fixed. But my nice, neat organized basement spaces are in a state of disarray as everything needs to be put back in its place.

Yesterday, I stepped into another flood of water coming from our dishwasher. Yep! All over the hardwood floor in the kitchen. This appliance didn’t drain and I removed a few gallons of standing water with a turkey baster. Sigh.

Last night, my daughter came home from a week at our mountain cabin and let us know the clothes dryer stopped working. The burnt rubber smell part of the story is concerning. Sigh again.

For me, I guess I am a believer of things happening in threes. So hopefully this will be the end of all things breaking down for awhile. But this is the nature of owning an old home, or living in a home for a long time. My guess is that our dishwasher finally needs replacing as does the belt to the clothes dryer at the cabin. Just wish it all didn’t happen at the same time. Cha-ching.

Does this happen to you, too? Do you believe in things happening in threes?
Onto Other Things
On a brighter note, as I am the eternal optimist, it is 62 degrees outside this morning! Whaaat?? A few days ago it was over 100 degrees, however, the forecast for the next few days is perfect Spring weather with highs in the 70s. Crystal clear blue skies, sunny and very cool evenings. Lovely.

We are supposed to head up to the mountains for Memorial Day but I almost don’t want to leave this gorgeous weather. Do you have plans for Memorial Day weekend? I’ve been so distracted with this pandemic it’s hard to believe it is the holiday weekend already.
Update on the Back Staircase Project

We are slowly removing the gross glue and old paint from the stairs. There are some disappointing surprises. One of the treads is broken and one of the risers has been poorly patched. A few setbacks but there are four more steps to uncover so who knows what we will find. Lately, nothing seems to be going as planned.
All Things Peaches

We are still picking peaches off the trees. The peach pie I made is truly one of the first ones that wasn’t swimming in juice with a soggy bottom crust. I blended two recipes~~the all butter crust is from Stella Parks New York Times Bestseller, Bravetart. The filling is from the Country Peach Pie recipe from the Food Network Kitchen. By far, one of the best peach pies yet!
Elisabeth is on a homemade ice cream kick. Last week it was fresh strawberry ice cream.

This week, fresh peach ice cream. With the leftover peach puree from the peach ice cream recipe (yes, we are getting fat over here!), we are enjoying peach margaritas!

Front Porch is Finished!
The new welcome mat from Wayfair arrived yesterday. The mat is 24″ x 36″, substantially larger than the previous one. It is non-slip, made from coconut fibers and is an elegant addition to the spruced up front entry. All for $43.99. This project is finally DONE.

Vegetable Consumption
We are eating so many good things from the garden. This is the first year I planted shishito peppers. Flash frying in hot olive oil, served with salt and a squeeze of lemon, these peppers are just delicious. If you haven’t had these peppers before, check to see if your grocery store carries them. I know Safeway does and this is a very quick, yummy appetizer. Occasionally you may get a hot one, but the all the ones from our garden have a mild flavor.

Artichokes are ready to harvest too. We typically par-boil them, cut them in half and basted them on the grill with olive oil and garlic. The Houston’s Restaurant recipe with remoulade sauce is a family favorite.

Hoping your Wednesday is filled with joy and beautiful weather! Pray that no more appliances break this week!

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that is crazy construction on the riser. I’m guessing it was done decades ago or maybe even as new construction in the original structure?
Always interesting when you uncover old homes…..reminds me of 417 times.
Be well (no that wasn’t a 420 reference either….) 🙂
I don’t know how Mom and Dad restored that house with 5 children! Although, we were cheap labor. Since we had the steps professionally carpeted, I never really knew if there were underlying problems. I’m hoping that the problems don’t force me into covering up the steps again. Hoping to just refinish the treads, paint the risers and maybe do a runner down the middle. However, that seems to be in the distant future as we are still removing the gobs and gobs of glue!
Thank goodness for those 30 beach towels! Who knew they would be utilized so much!!!
In all sincerity, sounds like you need to get away for a nice long weekend but please, please, shut off all your water valves!!!!!
You’d appreciate this. We are relaxing in the mountains and had to call the plumber to turn off the dishwasher (at home) which is leaking water. Water is off. It’s three days later and our daughter says the dishwasher is still leaking (all over my hardwood floors). Whaaaat? How can that be if the water is turned off? Well, we’ll find out when we get home on Tuesday. It’s always SOMETHING! It must be appliance crisis month.
Wow! Well maybe today’s lovely temperature is your reward for weathering the storm, so to speak! It does seem to come in bunches, but I hope you’re done for now!
Everything else in this post looks so wonderful/beautiful/delicious! May I put in an order for 1 piece of pie and 6 margaritas please? 😉
Take care down there and enjoy your cooler sunshine!